
Monday, February 15, 2010


We are a few months from a general election.

Brown's daughter died years ago.

Brown's government is helping to cover up a paedophile scandal in Aberdeen this very day as the investigator is being charged with a breach of the peace for simply planning to hand out leaflets on the scandal in public.

Brown contributed to the current financial crisis by encouraging the City watchdog the FSA to go easy on the City of London and its reckless lending and gambling.

Brown then bailed out the City of London with your money, your children's money and your grandchildren's money and little old granny will pay too, but not with money, with her life.

Brown signed us over to Europe after reneging on a promise that he would offer us a referendum on The Treaty of Lisbon.

Brown sold our gold at rock bottom prices as part of a conspiracy to suppress gold prices at particular times as identified by Reginald Howe at The Golden Sextant.

Brown raided your pensions.

Brown is Bilderberg, and with that comes all the Nazi connections through Rockefeller.

Brown is fake.

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