
Saturday, March 06, 2010


It is now being reported that Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell was reported missing from 4th January to 18th January this year.

[source :]

He then returned to his parents telling them not to ask any questions, and promptly left again to travel to Washington DC to try to shoot up the Pentagon with a pair of 9mm pistols.

THIS IS BIZARRE, and reminds me of Sirhan Sirhan.

This means that Bedell's location was rarely known for nearly two months, except for an arrest in Reno on the 1st February for possession of cannabis.

When and where were the internet posts attributed to him made?

It is also very curious and suspicious that a drill occured just a few days ago that resembled the shooting.

Neighbours are shocked and surprised that Bedell would attempt the shooting.

He was intelligent, described as a very talented circuit designer, and had applied for a grant from the Pentagon to fund research into a very cutting edge branch of computer science.

Something is not right with this.

1 comment:

  1. Hang on.

    The LA Times is reporting that Bedell was missing for just one week, but came back "impaired, delusional and agitated,", but then disappeared again to return a week later telling his parents "not to ask him any questions about where he was,".

    [source :,0,4506100.story ]

    So Bedell disappears on the 4th Jan, returns on the 11th delusional, disappears again almost immediately and returns on the 18th Jan not wanting to say what he had been doing.

    It also appears he bought weapons for $600 in Sacramento, California, which is strange because he had been in and out of hospital four times for bipolar disorder since 2004 in California. So how could he buy weapons with a history of mental health problems?

    Also, when Bedell was arrested on 1st February the police did not find any weapons in the car, just marijuana. So were the weapons he bought in Sacramento the same weapons used to shoot at the Pentagon? If so, how did he transfer them from California to Washington DC?

    His history of mental health issues and anti-government rants would make him ideal, and his disappearance is very suspicious, particularly if he returns "impaired, delusional and agitated,".

    Who was he with during the last two months? Had he been identified as a perfect patsy, Sirhan-lite, due to his interaction with mental health institutions, his open writings about the US government and his application for a grant from The Pentagon for research into military applications of cutting edge computer science?

    Maybe he met 'someone' who pretended to sympathise with him, who encouraged him that the only way was violence?

    And then there was a drill a few days before the shooting...

    And he was shot by an as yet unnamed guard...
