
Friday, March 05, 2010


Let's get things into perspective.

On 11th September 2001 four planes were hijacked over North East USA and managed to fly around the most protected airspace in the world unhindered for over an hour before flying into the WTC, and more amazing, into the Pentagon! No fighters were scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base, just a few miles from the Pentagon.

Osama bin Laden was blamed immediately, and we were promised a vast detailed dossier on the attack that would prove ObL was the perp. That dossier never materialised.

However, the attack provided the 'new Pearl Harbor' that the likes of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and their Zionazi buddies at PNAC needed to convince the American people to go on the rampage in the Caspian Basin and Middle East, as laid out in their document Rebuilding America's Defenses.

As a result the coalition of the killing first invaded Afghanistan, and after 8 years is still blowing away scores of innocent Afghan civilians in NATO-led bombing raids.

But the main target was always Iraq.

We were told Iraq had WMD that could kill many in a split second, and that we knew where they were.

We were told that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attack itself.

We were told that after Saddam's removal that Iraqi oil revenues would go to Iraqis.

So we invaded Iraq.

In the process nearly one million innocent Iraqi civilians were blown away!!


It is being reported today that a man John Patrick Bedell calmly walked upto guards at the Pentagon and shot at them, and that he was then fatally shot by the guards. The man apparently had suspicions about the collapse of the WTC towers, and is being classified as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. The man had other concerns, such as the suspicious death of a US Marine Colonel who was investigating drug smuggling in the US military, and was also interested in the Bush family, particularly the drug smuggling allegations made against the Bush family.


But let's look at this again.

The people who scripted the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, and those who believed it and supported war due to it, are responsible for the deaths of one million innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians.

The lone man who questioned one aspect of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, and was apparently not a member of any truth group, is labelled a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, thus branding all 9/11 conspiracy theorists as mad violent shooters.

It is not good for anyone when something like this shooting occurs; for the policemen who have been wounded, for us who inevitably get branded as nutters, and for the dead man himself.

But I didn't pull the trigger.

And I definitely didn't kill one million innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians because of my belief in the official 9/11 conspiracy theory that has not been fully investigated and fits perfectly into a plan spelled out in black and white that was written by a cabal of warmongers typified by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Perle who all occupied powerful positions in the US government on that murdered September day.

1 comment:

  1. Bedell was more interested in the suspicious death of US Marine Colonel James Sabow and massive drug smuggling by the US military and intelligence agencies.
