
Thursday, March 18, 2010


I use Riemann solvers in my research in CFD. They are very useful and improve accuracy significantly. They can add significant computation to arrive at that improved solution, but they get the job done, depending on which solver you use.

Now, after WW1 the ptb, primarily Great Britain and France, tried to establish a world government at Versailles in the form of the League of Nations (LoN), the American branch of a British institution aimed at promoting world government. They didn't get it because the USA voted out of it. Wilson then toured the USA trying to convince the USA to sign up to the LoN. They didn't. So the ptb created the Council on Foreign Relations, a branch of a British organisation aimed at promoting world government and financed by British-allied Wall Street bankers who then owned The Federal Reserve. When this failed to drag the USA into the LoN a trap was set, although this had been recognised as necessary by Albert Pike for his 3 world war plan. That trap was to somehow drag the USA into another world war.

By 1921 Europe had already been divided by the advent of Communism in 1917. By 1929, after the Great Crash, Europe was even more divided. The instigators of that 1929 crash got out early and escaped prosecution under following Presidencies.

FDR was elected in 1932 and in 1933 gave his "the money changers have fled the temple" speech. It sounded great to a public savaged by severe economic depression. They wanted change. Great change. FDR offered it in vast quantities.

But The Federal Reserve and the criminals who owned it and engineered the 1929 crash were still, and would remain, at large under FDR., free to engineer events elsewhere with their vast profits.

Sure, there was an 'investigation', and several minor scapegoats were jailed; but the major criminals remained free and the Federal Reserve infrastructure remained virtually unscathed, despite FDRs prophecy.

So how do you solve a problem called world government?

Following WW1 the major obstacle to a world government was the USA.

So, again, how do you solve a problem called world government? You drag the USA into another world war, more bloody and violent and horrific than WW1, and get the USA to fight in it much longer than the 15 months it fought in WW1, so that the USA would vote for a world government, one that promoted itself as the only solution to man's global inhumanity to man!

Indeed, that is what happened!

FDR engineered Pearl Harbour, with the connivance of his alleged arch-enemy Winston Churchill, and not only slaughtered approximately 3000 US military at Pearl Harbour in order to feign surprise and disgust in Congress at the attack, and subsequently drag the USA into WW2 with mass support from the ordinary American public, but all the many millions who eventually died in WW2! And when he had the chance to stop all the killing, with several offers from Admiral Canaris, he refused! And he gave the USSR virtually anything it wanted, including the bomb!

So that is how you solve a problem called world goverment; you get a FDR Solver, approximate or exact. It doesn't matter. It gets the job done.

Now we have several global governing institutions interfering in our lives, those lives they deem worthy of living.

And if anyone has an alternative explanation of Pearl Harbour, other than "it just happened", I and many others would be very very happy to hear it.

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