
Friday, April 02, 2010


No, not me.

But Boris Berezovsky is, or was, or still is. Is he? We don't know.

We do know however that on 13th April 2007 an interview with Berezovsky was published in The Guardian which the billionaire, who was given political asylum by Great Britain, stated

"We need to use force to change this regime," he said. "It isn't possible to change this regime through democratic means. There can be no change without force, pressure." Asked if he was effectively fomenting a revolution, he said: "You are absolutely correct."

...As well as claiming to be financing and encouraging coup plotters in Moscow, Mr Berezovsky said he had dedicated much of the last six years to "trying to destroy the positive image of Putin" that many in the west held, portraying him whenever possible as a dangerously anti-democratic figure.

Though I suppose it could all be a very very big ruse...

I mean, under Yeltsin the oligarchs including Berezovsky raped Russia, Yeltsin then annoints his Chief of Staff Putin, Putin is swept to power on the back of a well-timed war with Chechnya, and the first thing Putin does is pardon Yeltsin.

I mean, the oligarchs quickly and quietly got away with their billions and only one of them has been arrested and the trial is still ongoing.

I mean, the natives are starting to get restless, asking questions about where all the money went (though Russia paid all its debt off under Putin yet it is now having to start borrowing money again).

Is Usman/Usmarov a loose cannon who was gotten to by Georgian Special Forces?

Or is he a Russian agent under FSB orders to blow up Russians just metres from the FSB HQ?

Or was the killing of four civilians near Arshty the last straw/provocation and he was allowed to blow up Moscow to drive Russia into the protecting hands of the Kremlin, just as they were getting restless?

I don't know.

But just three years ago Berezovsky admitted he had been and then still was plotting a violent revolution against Putin.

Is he still?

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