
Saturday, April 03, 2010


Cui bono?

Not me.

Not you.

Not your family.

The rip-off bankers do, though.

You remember them. The bankers who inflated a massive credit bubble based on property, then when the shit hit the fan were bailed so they could buy up their competitors and/or take clients from their competitors.

But the result is that we, yes we, have to suffer massive cuts in services while at the same time suffer massive rises in tax. And in the USA you are now being forced to pay for health insurance ( just like we do ) but there are exemptions and a board that will decide whether you live or die.

But this is exactly what we have here in the UK with NICE and our NHS.

You are forced to pay up for health insurance. Then when you need it most you get the one finger from your own government, so that it can pay for the bailout...WITH YOUR MONEY (and demise)!

Anyway, back to war on Iran.

I do not find it a coincidence that the biggest bailouts in history occur just as we enter a period of significant friction between two religions that was predicted well over 100 years ago by a high-ranking Freemason, with the friction over alleged WMD.

Israel was given the nuke by the Rothschilds in the 1950s.

Iran was given nuclear power by the USA, now the USI, in the 1950s.

The USI is now in the Middle East in such presence due to the engineered 9/11.

A war on Iran would result in a war on Israel by Iran, and thus WW3.

And with WW3 on the front pages who cares about bailing out the banks for trillions?

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