
Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Only last week Wikileaks was identified as part of the Soros network for releasing damaging info.

But now that a set of videos has been released on it showing the forces of hell shooting up and torturing, what can we believe?

Well, what if the videos have been released by the Pentagon to provoke more Islamic terrorists, or more Islamic civilains to join terrorist organisations? The videos have even been shown on BBC News!

This is like shouting at the Islamic terrorists,"Oi! Islamic Terrorists! Look what we can do to your bretheren, and you can't do a fucking thing! You pathetic bunch of losers! Bang! Bang!".

A few months ago a Hamas leader was blatantly assassinated by British and Israeli intelligence.

Last week Gaza was bombed again, the Israelis saying they were bombing bomb factories when they were in fact bombing dairy factories.

And Hamas recently ordered that no more rockets be fired from Gaza.

It's just strange that Wikileaks was under threat of exposure, but now it is "saved".

Yes, the videos should have been released. But why Wikileaks? And why now?

And why has the BBC covered them, particularly when the GE 2010 has been called?

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