
Friday, May 21, 2010


(you're not wrong!)

Classic Alan Partridge chat, from the first show of the first series of Knowing Me Knowing You With Alan Partridge, or KMKYWAP.

Am I right? Well, I've always believed that no matter what WW3 would be caused by a global war between the Zionists and the Muslims.

Yeah, there might be some sideshows like the Korean bollocks (which could be more related to Tomorrow Never Dies than anything else).

But the real anger and vitriol and potential for WW3 would always always always come from something in the Middle East.

Now, Nobel Peace Prize winner (!!) and Wall Street cocksucker Barak Soetero Obummer is sending yet more US military naval power to confront Iran...after Iran struck a deal with Turkey and Brazil.

If you still had any dreamy dreams about Obummer, after his multi-trillion dollar bailout of his biggest contributors to his campaign, Wall Street, then this belligerent action must surely kill those doubts and scream at you that the man, if you can call him that, is a complete fraud and more dangerous to you and your family than the village idiot George W Bush.

Let's face facts.

The aggressive land-grabbing terrorist Zionist state of Israel has nukes. Hundreds of 'em. We know this because Rothschild spies gave the technology to Israel. Israel has not signed upto the NPT. Israel's nukes is one of those subjects you are not allowed to discuss.

Yet Iran, despite being given the initial technology through the US Atoms For Peace Program does NOT have a bomb, has signed up to the NPT and has recently decided to rest its nuclear future with Turkey and Brazil, is still the ever-growing focus for war of a Nobel Peace Prize winner Obummer!

Now, are we living in a sane world or a Zionist insane world?

Use your God-given brain...PLEASE!

99.9% of Israeli Jews do not understand how and why their beloved state was created, and how it is being used today to create yet another global war.

The seeds were sown decades ago, but the roots of the weeds can still be dug up and thrown into the fire to never cause a threat again.

Ask yourself; why is alleged man of peace Obummer sending many more US military to the Persian Gulf now?

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