
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


What is a "community of the Americas"?

Here's what Hillary Clinton said recently to the Organisation of American States, where the Declaration of Lima was adopted,
I am very grateful to the mayor and to all of you for joining me here today to discuss our vision of a shared partnership among our countries and the peoples of the Americas. Last April at the Summit of the Americas, President Obama pledged that the United States seeks an equal partnership with engagement based on mutual respect and common interests and shared values. Since then, we have been working to foster a truer community of the Americas, a community that truly does recognize that whether one lives in Quito or Los Angeles, in Ottawa or Buenos Aires, in many ways, we seek the same future for ourselves and our children.

[source : Secretary Clinton’s Policy Address on Opportunity in the Americas, US State Dept,]

She then waffles on about opportunity and freedom and wealth and...yawn,yawn. etc

We've seen and heard it all before with the EU.

Big government is good.

Big government is great.

Big government loves you.



Here's the Declaration of Lima (which should be read with Mexican invasion of the Southern states of the USA in mind)

1. Their commitment to international peace, security, cooperation in order to address the traditional threats and the new threats that affect the region.

2. Their commitment to reinforce inter-American partnership for integral development and, in that context, to strengthen cooperation mechanisms and actions to urgently address extreme poverty, inequity, and social exclusion.

3. Their commitment to respect for international law and their faith in the peaceful settlement of disputes.

4. The obligation of member states in their international relations not to have recourse to the use of force, except in the case of self-defense, in accordance with existing treaties or in fulfillment thereof.

5. The importance of continuing to promote in the Hemisphere a climate conducive to arms control, limitation of conventional weapons, and the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, making it possible for each member state to devote more resources to its economic and social development, taking into account compliance with international commitments, as well as its legitimate defense and security needs.

6. Their commitment to ensuring that the Organization of American States continues to contribute to the overcoming of tensions and solution of crises, with full respect for the sovereignty of states and the principles of the OAS Charter; and, in addition, to continue supporting bilateral, subregional, regional, and international efforts, agreements, and mechanisms to prevent conflicts and achieve the peaceful settlement of disputes.

7. Their commitment to continue implementing confidence- and security-building measures identified in the Declaration of Santiago, the Declaration of San Salvador, and the Consensus of Miami.

8. Their firm commitment to promote transparency in arms acquisitions in keeping with pertinent United Nations and OAS resolutions on the matter; and to invite those states that have not yet done so to consider signing and ratifying, as the case may be, the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions.
9. Their invitation to those member states that have not yet done so to give prompt consideration to ratifying or acceding to, as the case may be, the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA).

10. The importance of continuing bilateral, subregional, and regional efforts to further advance cooperation on security matters and implement the agreements, declarations, and understandings adopted over the years with respect to peace, stability, confidence, and security.

11. Their commitment to strengthening cooperation in order to comprehensively address, with full respect for international law and international human rights law, the threats to the security of their peoples, including extreme poverty, social exclusion, the effects of natural disasters, transnational organized crime, arms trafficking, the world drug problem, trafficking in persons, the smuggling of migrants, money laundering, corruption, terrorism, kidnapping, criminal gangs, and cybercrime.

12. Their decision to continue fostering a culture of peace and promoting education for peace among the countries of the region, reaffirming our goal of continuing to devote more resources to the well-being of our peoples.

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