
Friday, June 18, 2010


write to your MP.

Write to your MP that
1. Willy Claes, a three time Bilderberg attendee, spilled the beanz that Bilderberg sets the global agenda ( and we now know how it is done ),
2. this year Bilderberg reached a consensus on war with Iran,
3. for which they can be prosecuted for Crimes Against Peace, like the Nazis were at Nuremberg, via Nuremberg Principle VI

That a massive number of US troops are stationed in the area after a highly suspicious 9/11, and at the same time we are being ripped off for trillions by the banks, is not just coincidence.

They hope to rip us off with trillions and then vanish into thin air like a cheezy magician in the pantomime puff of smoke of war, with that evil laugh in the background. And out of that smoke rises a true world government. Not a loosely connected network of organisations like we have now, but a bona fide world government to implant you with a microchip implant, and powers to kill you if you are designated a "terrorist", which will mean you do not believe in their tyrannical one world government.

But also tell your MP it was all planned centuries ago, and probably millenia, just over 6000 years ago to be more precise.

We are not in hell yet.

They can be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. good point will do. Should do a petition through iac or the likes?
