
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Cui Bono?

It's the first question to ask when a crime has been committed.

Cui bono?

Who benefits?

Well, our inglorious leaders are calling for world government, in many avenues of our lives; world financial governmnent, world environment government, world police and army.

The first attempts at world government were
1. The League of Nations, financed by Rockefeller, which failed because the USA didn't support it, so Rockefeller and Wall Street created the CFR to persuade the USA that a world government was required
2. The United Nations, financed by Rockefeller, which survived because the USA had fought in WW2 for much longer than it had in WW1 and was persuaded that some form of world government was needed (but they weren't told that FDR and the CFR had dragged the USA into WW2 with the connivance of Winston Churchill and the provocation of Pearl Harbor).

This shows the Rockefeller desire for world government, but David also declares the aim in his memoirs.

After the UN was created organisations like Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and The Club of Rome were created by Rockefeller to drive the agenda for world government.

One good thing FDR did was to get The Glass-Steagall Act implemented. But in the 1990's several Bilderbergers, like Larry Summers who is currently ranting on the FT website, decided to repeal that act so that Rockefeller and his Bilderberg ilk could go gambling with your money. A credit bubble was inflated. You could get a large mortgage even if you didn't provide evidence of your income. Mortgages and debts were mixed up and sold on as AAA when they were really ZZZ, and before anyone could really get a fix on who owed what to whom, a member of "the family", Lehman Brothers, was allowed to go bust, sending the finanical system into panic. But Rockefeller and their Bilderberg ilk were safe because they had arranged for their own to be in the prime positions to control the flow of any bailouts, because the banks they owned had become Too Big Too Fail. So the likes of Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, Summers etc, all members of Bilderberg, gave Bilderberg banks tens of billions each so that those Bilderberg banks, such as JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, could ride the storm and literally make a killing, buying up and/or stealing competition for a fraction of the true market price.

And now they propose even more world government financial architecture to save us from further economic collapse!

Cui bono?

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