
Sunday, August 08, 2010


Mexico's president Felipe Caldéron has called for a debate on legalizing drugs.

Drugs = cash.

Cash gives the anonimity to facility trade in illegal drugs.

So if we are to live in a cashless society, in which ALL financial transactions are traced and recorded, then how can trade in cocaine, heroin, marijuana etc continue, on the same scale as now, if not on a larger scale (which I assume the NWO want because even more people can be off their heads). Plus, the tax on legal drug sales could finance the global government in addition to the carbon tax.

So far the illegal drug trade has financed black projects. Perhaps they have reached the time when they are ready to sacrifice the drug trade to implement the cashless society...before someone BIG gets busted and the can of worms is all over the media.



...Maria Lucia Karam, a Brazilian former judge turned liberalisation advocate, said Calderón's statement showed that policymakers were recognising the failure of prohibition. "I certainly have to be very optimistic," she said. "Ending drug prohibition is the only way to reduce violence in Latin America and elsewhere." Judges across the region were growing bolder in challenging "unconstitutionalities" in current drug laws, she said.

Not all are convinced that Mexico's president, a conservative who has staked his rule on the drug war, is serious about reassessing strategy. His call for debate, made during round-table talks with security experts, business leaders and civic groups, may have been a tactical attempt to deflect headlines that 28,000 – a big jump on previous official estimates – had died in the past four years.

The logic behind legalisation is that marijuana accounts for about 60% of the $40-$60bn annual drug trade. Make it legal, goes the argument, and the cartels will lose most of their business while states gain tax revenue and shed the burden of jailing non-violent pot users.

The policy would not lead to a "garden of Eden", said Walter McKay, a Canadian former police officer who works with the Mexico City-based Institute for Security and Democracy. Cartels would adapt and continue making profits from cocaine, heroin, kidnapping and extortion. "But you would hurt their revenue stream, which would mean less money to corrupt police and politicians." However reluctantly, governments were being forced to confront the failures of prohibition, said McKay. "We're moving forward. In my lifetime I think we'll see prohibition dismantled or at least softened."

A report by Edgardo Buscaglia, a law professor and UN drug policy adviser, found that since Calderón declared war on the cartels their power and influence had increased massively, largely because they had been forced to become smarter and more brutal. Buscaglia thinks legalising drugs would be good policy but no panacea.

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