
Saturday, September 11, 2010


Last night was allegedly the last night of the tedious, boring Big Brother. Even the inglorious BBC got in on the act! Now why would they spend so much time on the programme of a competitor? Because there is much more to Big Brother.

Big Brother conditioned you to the surveillance society, in which you are constantly watched while the banks rip you off and we invade sovereign nations on lies.

When you go shopping today count how many cameras watch you.

As Kevin Turvey said, "Look up. Look down. Look all around".

While you watched and voted people out of the BB House, the real controllers have been watching you and deciding who they don't like, and then implementing policies to eliminate you off the real BB House called Planet Earth. Be a good citizen by not asking awkward questions, believing their lies and sending your sons and daughters off to fight and die in wars based on lies. and gradually accept Satanism and they might, just might let you stay. But if you raise your hand and ask questions like, why is it that only a handful banks have gained in the financial crisis, or why did we invade Iraq and now possibly Iran when neither had nothing to do with 911, then watch out.

And when they get that microchip implant in you...

It's only just begun.

1 comment:

  1. its elitist mentality to push their agendas with the controlled audience not even knowing whats going on. This is why tv is the most powerfull way of conditioning the masses much like religion but in a more controlled way. One reason NOT to watch tv
