
Monday, September 20, 2010


Just as Bilderberg met earlier this year and gave a green light for an attack on Iran, the Israeli news source Debkafile reported that Osama bin Laden was alive and well and living it up in Iran. Of course, that allegation has sunk like a lead fish.

But now that there appears to be an open and gathering coalition in Lebanon, gaining in strength against Israel, involving the Lebanese PM Hariri, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran (and you could probably throw Russia in there too after its sale of Russian cruise missiles to Syria which has significantly annoyed Israel), Debkafile is now reporting that last weekend Iran and Syria agreed to mount a coup against the Hariri government.

It's so pathetic.



Debkafile: Ahmadinejad, Assad Agreed to Back Hizbullah 'Coup'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad have agreed to back Hizbullah's alleged coup against the Hariri government, Israel's debkafile reported.

It said the two leaders struck the deal during Ahmadinejad's brief stopover in Damascus on Saturday on his way to New York.

Ahmadinejad and Assad also agreed that Israel would not intervene "to save Beirut from Hizbullah domination," debkafile said.

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