
Wednesday, September 01, 2010


This is what I can understand from the questioning of Christian Rakovsky as provided in Red Symphony.

Information from Rakovsky

1. There is an unknown group which he calls “they” that runs the world
2. “they” are not personally International Financiers (IF) or politicians. These are just trusted intermediaries.
3. Rakovsky claims to be sufficiently high up in this organisation to know of them but not exactly know who “they” are
4. Weishaupt, the head of the Illuminati, perhaps under orders from Mendelssohn, pushed the French Revolution towards implementing Communism. Rothschild was involved from the start of Communism, at least as Treasurer and possibly as Chief, and controlled Marx and the First International. Disraeli based the character Sidonia in his novel Coningsby on Baron Lionel Rothschild.
5. Jacob Schiff financed the Japanese in the 1904/5 war with Russia, and the defeat of Russia in that war was organised to provoke a revolution in Russia against the Tsar.
6. Trotsky very quickly rose to prominence in Communist circles during the 1905 revolution, due to his marriage to Sedova, daughter of Abram Zhivotovsky, a banker associated with the Warburgs. [A French intelligence report identifies Zhivotovsky as Sedova’s father, and the Warburg-Rothschild-Schiff families have been working together for centuries.]
7. Trotsky was behind the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand
8. Tsar Nicholas II was tricked into joining the resulting world war 1, due to his stupidity, and led like a donkey into a series of suicidal advances and organized defeats designed to provoke a revolution. Kerensky betrayed Russia to Communism, but it should have been to Trotsky not Lenin, who ‘stole’ the revolution from “them”.
9. “they” financed The October Revolution through Warburg and Schiff, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and other bankers such as Guggenheim, Hanauer, Breitung, Aschberg, and Nya Banken in Stockholm.
10. “they” arranged for Trotsky to be released from detention in Canada and travel to Russia, and “they” also arranged via Rathenau to get Lenin from Switzerland through Germany to Russia.
11. Lenin’s wife Krupskaya knew who Trotsky was in fact, and persuaded Lenin to accept Trotsky when he arrived in Russia. There were significant differences between the two and among the Communist and Anarchist factions in Russia, but it was Trotsky who unified them all behind the insignificant Bolsheviks.
12. Rakovsky was a very very high level Mason, higher than 93rd Degree, and that only such high level Masons as he are told that Freemasonry “tries to attain and to create the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution”. Low level Freemasons must die for this revolution.
13. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a mistake and an unconscious betrayal by Lenin. The Red Army should have invaded Germany and assisted the German Revolution, but Lenin “intoxicated with power” and Stalin decided that consolidating the revolution in Russia should come first.
14. Trotsky organised the assassination attempt on Lenin by Kaplan. Trotsky ordered Blumkin to assassinate Count von Mirbach, the German Ambassador to Russia, with the aim of starting war between Germany and Russia. Spiridonova, who claimed responsibility for that assassination, coordinated the killing with Trotsky. Trotsky’s main agent was Rosenblum, who was in fact a British Intelligence agent called O’Reilly. This was arranged so that in case of failure the British could be blamed, and not Trotsky. Conspiracies and terrorism were abandoned as Trotsky got his hands on real state power when he was in charge of the military. During the Russian Civil War the White Army had pushed the Red Army back into a small area around Moscow, but under Trotsky the Red Army pushed the White Army back. Rakovsky suggests that this victory under Trotsky occurred by design to make him more popular and the natural successor to Lenin.
15. Then an unsuccessful assassination attempt of Lenin is made. When Lenin does eventually die Trotsky was to succeed, but he fell ill and Stalin took control. “they” did not appreciate Stalin’s theft of their revolution. “they” thought Stalin had killed the revolution and created a dictatorship for himself instead.
16. The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to provoke a Communist revolution in Germany through its absurd demands that would cause mass unemployment and hunger, but neither Lenin or Stalin helped this attempt at revolution in Germany. The Dawes Plan and Young Plan were implemented to stop Stalin’s brand of Communism taking root in Germany, and with the hope that a Trotskyist faction could somehow take control of the USSR. When it became clear that a Trotskyist coup in the USSR would not occur then “they” chose Hitler to help them to remove Stalin.
17. When the Nazis were in significant financial trouble and losing support a member of the Warburg family was sent to negotiate with Hitler. Warburg did not disclose his real identity to Hitler but told him he represented a faction in Wall Street who wanted Hitler to create a threat to France which was following financial policies that were causing a crisis in the USA. The Nazis then received millions of US dollars from Wall Street and millions of DMs from German financiers through Schacht.
18. The plan to remove Stalin involved Hitler invading the USSR and destroying Stalin so that Trotsky could return from exile and replace Stalin.
19. “they” may have financed Hitler but “they” did not completely control Hitler.
20. Hitler had become more of a problem than Stalin for three reasons
a. Hitler had begun creating his own money, which threatened the bankers should other states begin to follow similar policies for peaceful production
b. Fascism had created a resurgence in nationalism, which threatened the ideal of a Communist world government
c. Nazi Germany was strongly Christian in religion, and “they” believed that Christianity was their only real enemy
21. Hitler had initially been financed for an invasion of the USSR, but as Hitler had become more of a problem than Stalin “they” changed their minds and now wanted to destroy Hitler and save the USSR. To avoid Hitler invading the USSR a peace treaty between Hitler and Stalin should be reached which divided Poland and other nations geographically between Germany and the USSR between them. Stalin would also give Hitler lots of desperately needed oil.
22. If such an agreement could be reached between Hitler and Stalin over Poland and both invaded Poland to take their portion then the democracies will only declare war on Hitler.
23. The USA could be dragged into the war to destroy Nazi Germany because the rulers of the USA could arrange that the USA be attacked or an aggression against the USA could be invented (Rakovsky assures us of this). But at that time the USA was not ready for war, having only 100,000 men and a moderate air force.
24. A guarantee could not be made that Hitler would not attack the USSR if a peace agreement could be reached between Hitler and Stalin, and in fact Hitler would probably “be permitted” to attack the USSR anyway.
25. If Hitler did attack the USSR soon then Germany would probably win, but it could be possible to arm Stalin just enough so that both Nazi Germany and the USSR destroy each other.
26. A threat is made : Stalin must accept this proposal of a pact with Nazi Germany or the Nazis will be armed and assisted further with the objective of destroying Stalin.
27. Rakovsky proposes that after Trotsky was sent into exile in February 1929 the financing of Hitler is agreed in July 1929 and the Wall Street Crash occurs in October 1929. Rakovsky calls 1929 “the first year of the American Revolution”, which was designed to seize control in the USA through FDR, and Rakovsky believes that FDR knew what his mission was but cannot state with certainty if FDR was under duress of blackmail or born to rule.
28. Rakovsky suggested that Joseph Davis, US Ambassador to the USSR, be approached for confirmation of all that Rakovsky has stated and in particular regarding the authenticity of the proposal to divide preferably Poland but perhaps Czechoslovakia between Nazi Germany and the USSR and the subsequent declaration of war only on Hitler.
29. The USA would assist the USSR if Hitler achieved quick victory and turned Europe against the USSR
30. The USSR should tell Japan that it would be neutral if Japan attacked China and not the USSR
31. Rakovsky proposes that Joe Davis was sent to the USSR as Ambassador immediately after Zinoviev and Kamenev were shot to interfere with Stalin’s politics.
32. If Stalin were to carry out these proposals and Hitler was destroyed then “they” would demand a halt to the persecutions of the Trotskyists, demand establishment of several zones of influence and a gradual transition from Stalinism to that form of Communism that “they” want
33. “they” are Spinosists, named after Baruch Spinosa.
34. In Moscow there was Communism, in New York there was Capitalism, the thesis and anti-thesis. “they” are the Capitalist-Communist one.

On 2nd March 1938 a very powerful radio signal was received by the Soviets in London with a message, “Amnesty or the Nazi danger will increase...”. This followed a meeting with Ambassador Davis who stated that much would be gained in the public opinion in America if amnesty was given to Rakovsky. Rakovsky’s trial ended at 9pm on 12th March. Hitler invaded Austria earlier that same day.
Rakovsky was not sentenced to death, i.e. given amnesty, unlike most accused.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed on 23rd August 1939. The Polish-British Common Defence Pact was signed two days later in which one would defend the other if attacked by another EUROPEAN country. NB the tricky wording. Germany was considered European. The USSR was not. This allowed them to declare war on Hitler but not necessarily on Stalin.

Stalin also had Trotsky killed while Trotsky was in exile in Mexico in August 1940. Why?

Hitler began Operation Barbarossa on 22nd June 1941. Rakovsky was executed the same day.

Regarding Japan, in November 1935 Japan entered the anti-Comintern Pact with Nazi Germany. In 1938/9 the battles of Lake Khasan and Khalkhin Gol occurred between the USSR and Japan. At Khalkhin Gol the USSR comprehensively beat Japan which deterred any further aggression by Japan against the USSR. In April 1941 Japan and the USSR entered into the Japanese-Soviet Nonaggression Pact which allowed the USSR to focus on its Western Front and Japan to focus on China and the South Pacific.

1. Why did “they” not kill Hitler instead? Was Hitler too untouchable and his ideas too entrenched into German society that his replacement would continue the same policies? What about the Canaris Conspirators before WW2 started?
2. Stalin did as was proposed. He signed a pact with Hitler to divide Poland and gave Hitler lots of oil in a subsequent trade agreement in return for military technology. Hitler invaded Poland and Great Britain and France declared war on Hitler, but did nothing. Why? Because Hitler was too powerful for them alone? But what about the Commonwealth? Stalin invaded Poland a few days later but France and Great Britain did not declare war on Stalin. But what did the USSR do then, between September 1939 and June 1941? The USSR invaded Finland, and then the Baltic states. Hitler invaded France. The Phony War occurred while FDR tried to drag the USA into war, by supplying Britain over the Atlantic while declaring neutrality. But Hitler did eventually invade the USSR, in June 1941. Then FDR tricked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor so that FDR could declare war on Japan. Germany defended Japan by declaring war on the USA.
3. If Stalin accepted this proposal from Rakovsky then did this mean that he also agreed to their plans, totally or partially? As far as I am aware Stalin did not subsequently declare that there was a massive conspiracy, at the UN or in any writings or speeches. He did not accept the Baruch plan in 1946, but he did side with Mao to help the Communist revolution in China as engineered by George C Marshall. Stalin also played his part in the Cold War as part of the Russell Plan to scare the shit out of the world with the threat of a nuclear war.
4. There are suggestions that Stalin was murdered in 1953 by the Jews for starting another pogrom. However, if Stalin had mostly agreed to their plans then scaring Jews away from the USSR and towards Israel would help the new nation state of Israel to populate itself quickly, would it not, as had happened in the 19th Century?
5. Why did the USSR under Stalin continue to receive so much aid from the West if Stalin had not agreed to their plans?
6. Was Rakovsky shot on the same day that Hitler invaded the USSR as a message to “them” that Stalin was not happy that the USA had still not been able to declare war on Hitler?
7. Stalin was a Freemason. What was his reaction to Rakovsky’s statement about low level Freemasons being used by the higher levels of Freemasonry for revolution and expecting them to accept the ultimate sacrifice of death for that aim?
8. At the time of Rakovsky’s statement
a. The USA was militarily weak, as was the USSR
b. Nazi Germany had a strong military but did not have the natural and mineral resources for war, in particular oil
By forging a pact with Hitler the USSR gave oil to Hitler, and in return the USSR got military technology and more time to build its military, as did the USA. Was this the reason to trick Stalin into a peace deal with Hitler at that time? Was more time needed?
9. How can the loans of hundreds of millions of dollars to Mussolini in 1925 be explained? Perhaps because Italy was cooperating with the USSR in building its military? Perhaps as the first step to containing Stalinism in Europe?
10. Why did Stalin kill Trotsky? This was bound to infuriate them, risking war with Hitler. At the time of Trotsky’s assassination in August 1940 the USA had still not been dragged into the war a year after the initial invasions of Poland. So was Stalin sending a message to them, to get a move on? Or was this a signal that he had changed his mind? Hitler invaded the USSR a year later, with the USA still not in the war. Was Hitler “permitted” to attack Stalin, as Rakovsky had suggested could happen, because of Trotsky’s assassination, i.e. did Stalin bring war upon himself?
11. Why is Israel or Zionism not mentioned once by Rakovsky? Was he aware of any plans to create Israel eventually? If not then why not? If so then perhaps Rakovsky was not telling Stalin the full story, and if so then why?
12. After WW2 Stalin agreed to the invasion of South Korea by the North, and pushed for it, risking military conflict with the USA. If Stalin had gone rogue then why did he not make a public statement about the Illuminati conspiracy? But if Stalin had agreed to join them then stopping an expanding Communism was part of Pike’s plan. After years of fighting the 38th Parallel was restored, i.e. the Korean War was a complete waste.


  1. You wrote: "14. Trotsky organised the assassination attempt on Lenin by Kaplan."

    What evidence is available for this?

    Ludwik Kowalski,the author of a FREE ON-LINE book:

    “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.”

    It is my own autobiography, based on a diary I kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA).

    Some say that these books are "imperialist propaganda" and "relics of cold war." This is not true; no one asked me to write them. Writing was a moral obligation.

  2. I have no evidence for this claim. This claim is made by Christian Rakovsky before the Trial of the Twenty One. From my research alot of what Rakovsky says is true and explains alot of what happened between 1900-1941, but this particular claim about Trotsky trying to kill Lenin is one claim that does need more support. It is a claim that Rakovsky made, and I am simply extracting and repeating that particular claim from his interrogation before his trial.
