
Sunday, September 26, 2010


"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

This (or something very very similar) was said by the Rothschild who helped to create the Illuminati. It sums up the greed of the banker class. It oozes evil, displaying complete contempt for the ordinary law-abiding man and woman.

This power to create money out of nothing should not be in private hands. We have seen how it can be abused in the last few years. A massive credit bubble was inflated, money created out of nothing was loaned to jobless no-hopers, those inevitably unpayable debts were then fraudulently classed as AAA, mixed up with other "good" debts and sold on in bundles. But nobody knew who owed what to whom, so when the debts were not repaid one of "their" banks and a big name on Wall Street, Lehman Bros, was allowed to go under and bought up by another of "their" banks, Barclays. The panic caused by Lehman Bros caused the crisis. Banks stopped lending. But "they" were alright Jack because "they" had "their" men in charge of the bailouts. "They" got hundreds of billions and gobbled up struggling competitors, or merged with some of "their" other banks (Santander bought retail RBS, JP Morgan bought investment RBS). All this was agreed at Bilderberg, behind closed doors at an exclusive 5 star hotel.

This power to create money out of nothing should not be in private hands.

Make that the hot topic for the Independent Commission on Banking.

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