
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Vince Cable used this phrase in his inglorious speech to the LibDem conference today. The spivs and gamblers he refers to are what we call bankers.

The bank was originally the place to deposit your savings. If you were paid a cheque you paid that into your account having been given it by your employer, and if you were paid cash you paid out for whatever you had or wanted to and then deposited the remainder into your bank account if you wanted to ( you may have kept it under your bed instead). You had a choice. But today your wages are paid directly into your bank account as e-money, i.e. your bank gets direct control of your money before you see a penny. And there are now proposals that before you get your e-money your employer sends all your wages to the taxman who will then deduct what they think you owe the government, and the remainder will then be sent to your bank account where the bank will deduct whatever it thinks you owe them. All this before you see a penny. And if they get it wrong? Tough. The banks and government are never wrong, they'll say. Take us to court, they'll suggest. And of course you can't take them to court, because you've got no money, because first the taxman took most of it, and then the bank took the rest. So starve to death, you worthless fool! Arbeit macht frei, they'll laugh.

But banks have also grown into casinos. Your wages are paid directly to the banks. You have no say about that, even though it is your money. You earned it. It's yours. But the banks get their grubby hands on it before you do! They used and still use your wages and savings as collateral for bets. When this gambling with your wages and savings goes right, they pay themselves massive wages and bonuses. But when this gambling with your wages and savings goes inevitably wrong, as we've seen in the last few years, they still pay themselves massive wages and bonuses, but you've had to bail them out!

So the phrase "spivs and gamblers" is very accurate.

This system we call "freedom" has to change. Cable sounds like he may be prepared to do something about it, but I'm not holding my breath. He can call the bankers spivs and gamblers as much as he wants. But unless he uses his god-given plain common sense they, the spivs and gamblers, will still be using our money for their benefit expecting us to bail them out if it goes wrong, they'll still be creating money out of nothing and using the astronomical profits to their benefit, they'll still be laughing at us for giving them such power and allowing them to do whatever they want, they'll still be selecting our political leaders under the banner of "democracy" and deciding on policies behind closed doors, and of course, still attending and cheering mock human sacrifices as they dream up more and more genocidal policies to drastically reduce human population.

We must not be dependent on mass murderers and fraudsters.

We must create our own money.

This is not revolutionary.

It is plain common sense.

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