
Saturday, October 02, 2010


Franny Armstrong founded 10:10, the makers of the No Pressure advert for the campaign to reduce carbon emissions.

Armstrong directed McLibel, a documentary about the prosecution of a postman and a gardener by McDonalds for libel. The synopsis for the film states
McLibel is not just about hamburgers. It is about the importance of freedom of speech now that multinational corporations are more powerful than countries.

Yet what do we see in No Pressure? Schoolchildren blown up for simply having an opposing view to the school teacher!

The multinational corporations that she refers to are indeed more powerful than countries. And if she took a closer look she would find that some of her partners in her quest for green tyranny are very closely linked to those same multinational corporations, some of whom have a very bloody history.

For example, take 2degrees, listed on the 10:10 website as a partner. A partner of 2degrees is IBM, who processed the Jews for the Nazis on their IBM Hollerith machines.

But then again perhaps the tyranny as proposed in No Pressure suggests that IBM and 10:10 could form a congenial relationship, with 10:10 demanding the eradication of climate sceptics and their intolerable free speech while IBM implements the technology to carry out that eradication.

But the classic is The Club of Rome. How Armstrong has never heard of them and realised how she and the whole green movement are being used to implement world government and mass genocide is beyond me.

1 comment:

  1. I see that the Guardian has stopped further comments being posted on its thread. Must have realised the damage that the article had done to its already dwindling credibility.

    The Science and Public Policy Institute has a good article on this (Note 1) which also gives some background into eco-nutter Frannie Armstrong which suggests to me that perhaps she can be excused just a little. Her gullibility may be due to an unfortunate combination of genes that brought her into this world. On the other hand she may, like AL Gore and his buddies, be simply motivated by money. I suspect that she thought that the UN’s COP15 fiasco in Copenhagen an opportunity to turn her second-rate film-making career around. With all of the political hype that preceded COP15, any gullible person would think it opportune to jump on the bandwagon. Frannie certainly jumped, founding 10:10 after chatting with another staunch supporter of The (significant human-made global climate change) Hypothesis, Ed Miliband.

    Miliband is a career politician, not a scientist, and had his own reasons for pushing out his version of the propaganda (Note 2) ahead of COP15. He gave his full support to Gordon Brown’s nonsense that "This is perhaps the greatest challenge that we face as a world” (Note 3). This is evidenced by his comment in Africa in August 2009 when asking people to sign “Ed’s Pledge” (Note 4) with his “the world can’t afford to wait. The problem is urgent .. ”. Of course, after the COP15 extravaganza turned into a fiasco climate change was relegated from this exalted position and The Official Site of the Prime Minister’s Office considers that “The greatest challenge Mr Brown faced in office was the worldwide financial crisis and the subsequent recession”.

    Ed Miliband is sticking doggedly with his propaganda. In his effort to win leadership of the Labour Party he persisted with “climate change is the greatest challenge to our way of life” (Note 6) then in his presentation to the Labour Party Conference last month Note 7) he said “taking the difficult steps to protect our planet for future generations is the greatest challenge our generation faces”. What he is too dumb to accept is that it is the UN’s propaganda train that is heading for catastrophe, not global climates.

    As for Frannie Armstrong and her Spanner Films, I’m afraid that they are heading for catastrophe too.

    NB: I have removed http:’’www. from Notes 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 and http:// from the rest
    1) see
    2) see’.html
    3) see
    4) see &
    5) see
    6) see /
    7) see

    Best regards, Pete Ridley
