
Friday, October 22, 2010


There is pure evil occuring this Friday afternoon. But it doesn't just happen on Friday afternoons. It happens every day. That evil is our banking and monetary system.

I am so disgusted and disappointed with our politicians for attacking the less well off to the benefit of the banks in the CSR announced on Wednesday by Oik that I am seriously considering starting a new political party. There is one party at the moment that addresses my anger at the moment, but it focuses on just one point, monetary reform, as stated in its constitution paragraph 2.
The purpose of the Party and its sole policy shall be to promote, by any legal means, the abolition of the power to create state-backed money (sterling) by private individuals or companies for private profit, and the investment of that power in national or local government for the benefit of the public purse.

[source :]

The Monetary Reform Party have proposed a new Bank of England Act, proposing that we as a nation create our own money and not private banks who expect to be immediately bailed out with public money, setting out how such a system would work.

This is a noble cause and would form the basis of a constitution but would not be the sole raison d'etre of the party.

Energy needs to be addressed.

Transport needs to be addressed.

Welfare needs to be addressed.

Education needs to be addressed.

I have my own policies but they really need to be clarified, but I would make monetary reform the first policy. Not the only policy, but the first policy.

Because I know deep in my heart that our current system is unfair, unjust, and when you sit down and think about how it has been used and abused against not just the ordinary British taxpayer but the whole world, just pure evil.

With the power to create our own money we could do so much more and build a nation we could all be proud of.

At the moment we are on an engineered road to hell.

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