
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Shortly after the General Election this year, on 15th May I posted the blog entitled THE GLOBAL WAR ON VINCE CABLE. I predicted that Vince, due to his overt and strong anti-bank feelings, would be under attack and possibly removed so that the banks could have a much easier time without Vince Cable blasting them and trying to reel them in to reduce their power. Cable had written a book about the current financial crisis, and knew something of the details of the collapse, but like Gillian Tett he believes in the Shit Happens theory of history, ignoring the facts that it is always the same cabal who comes out on top after any crises they have engineered.

Anyway, Cable's speech at the Lib Dem conference, in which he referred to the spivs and gamblers, was strong but obviously not strong enough because The Daily Telegraph sent two female reporters pretending to be constituents of Cable's. They tricked him into opening up to them on a couple of issues. Result? Labour is now calling for his head.

Labour calling for Vince Cable's head?

Yeah, you heard that correct.

Labour is calling for Vince Cable's head.

Who else in the ConDem coalition could scare the banks more than Cable? NOBODY!

Labour created the current financial crisis, and the ConDem coalition is continuing the crisis by allowing the banks to continue their derivatives gambling, something that Cable wanted stopped and could have stopped.

NB Cable has been caught over remarks regarding Rupert Murdoch. Cable opposed the expansion of the Murdoch Empire. Murdoch is Bilderberg. Cable is not. What Bilderberg wants, Bilderberg gets.

Vince Cable must remain in his post to bring the banks to heel.

Heel, banks! Heel!

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