
Friday, January 21, 2011


9/11 occured over 9 years ago.

9/11 was used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

One year before 9/11 PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses.

In that publication PNAC called for multiple simultaneous wars for the USA to impose its superiority on the world, but it also recognised the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to create the psyche in the US population for such expensive, long and large scale warfare.

Specifically named for US aggression was Iraq.

But Iran was accused of being even more of a threat than Iraq!

Donald Rumsfeld (PNAC) told us they knew where the alleged Iraqi WMD were; North, South, East and West of Baghdad, he told us.

Cheney (PNAC) said similar things.

Guess what?

No WMD were found.

This morning (Friday 21st), just hours before Blair was to give evidence for a second time, the ritual was observed; allegations were made that Iraq's WMD were moved to Syria.

For years they have had chance after chance after chance to propagate this BS, but they only do so just hours before Blair is to give evidence to Chilcot.

So why is this allegation not made day after day after day? Because they know it is total BS, and if made day after day after day it would be quickly destroyed and would provide yet another nail to hammer into the coffin of the official story of 9/11.

Here is a succinct list of events that are true, as true as mum's apple pie and as true that you eventually die, and should therefore work asap towards freedom;
1. governments lie to you
2. governments do not have your best interests at heart
3. governments would rather kill you to pay for bailouts of corrupt Nazi banks than attempt to save you and prosecute the corrupt Nazi banks
4. governments commit gross acts of terror against the electorate who voted them in
5. governments love doing this
6. governments hate your freedom (except your freedom to vote them in)
7. governments get us to fight unnecessary wars in which we not them die and get maimed

We now know that Iraq did not have WMD and had sweet FA to do with 9/11.

Blair's 'belief' is that the world is now a much safer place now that Saddam is gone. So how come the TSA are groping themselves into ecstasy at airports across the USA and soon the world, while our rights and freedoms are being kidnapped, held hostage and executed before our very eyes in the mockingbird media every day?

But this is not enough. Blair cried his crocodile tears, expressing regret and remorse for all the deaths he caused, but he still wants to attack Iran! And saying so on the day that talks are being held with Iran over its alleged nuclear programme.

That man Blair has balls (and very wavy hands).

But his insistence on attacking Iran, while giving evidence in front of the Chilcot Inquiry, and completely in agreement with the PNAC agenda, exposes his complete disregard for the British taxpaying public, who have bailed out the banks that he allowed to go gambling and who paid for his unnecessary wars with their lives, their limbs and their wallets.

He goes to Bilderberg and suddenly becomes Labour leader.

He is made PM and then lets the banks go the rampage.

In agreement with PNAC he attacks Iraq.

In agreement with PNAC he wants to attack Iran.

As a result he works for JP Morgan.

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