
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Vince Cable apparently cracked a joke today.

Q : What's the difference between a cat being found dead on a motorway and a banker being found dead?

A : Skidmarks around the cat.

I think this is funny.

I am not, repeat not, urging anyone to go out on a hit-and-run-on-a-banker expedition, like The Daily Telegraph went on a fishing expedition unleashing pretty female reporters pretending to be constituents onto unsuspecting MPs (in particular MPs who had declared wars against banks and Bilderberg Murdoch).

I can appreciate the sentiment expressed in the joke, but it's not enough.

The banks, and some banks and bankers in particular, have literally screwed us. Millions of innocent and unwitting British taxpayers will suffer in the next few years, due to the actions the banks took in the last decade.

The FCIC report published today has identified some but not all of the players, the reasons and the remedies.

It's obvious what happened and who did it. We don't need long expensive investigations to tell us what partially happened, and by partially I mean that we do not kow for sure what was discussed at Bilderberg meetings.

Any attendee of Bilderberg will be given immunity, like Willy Claes, for making such discussions public.




It was no accident.

They arranged for Glass-Steagall to be repealed.

The banks then went on the total rampage, overlending to jobless nohopers, then selling on the debts so nobody knew who owed what to whom (hence the 'confusion' in mortgage foreclosures). Then when those mortgages were not being repaid and after some banks had been bailed out, for some still unexplained reason, Bilderberg Paulson allowed Lehman to go under, causing mass panic. Bilderberg banks inthe USA and their friends got tens of billions in bailouts from Bilderberg minions in the US government. Those Bilderberg banks rode out the storm and have emerged bigger and stronger.

But across the pond it was a different story. The IMF, generally controlled by Bilderberg, announced it was going to control the global economy. The Rothschild Inter Alpha Group (all European banks) has been coordinating policy and getting themselves in to big trouble. Corrupt governments of sovereign nation states wrongly assumed the gambling debts of those Inter Alpha banks, and then asked to be bailed out by the IMF, thus handing their national sovereignty to the Bilderberg IMF.

That is the truth.

That is what has happened.

Shit, on this scale, does not just happen.

It was not an accident.

It is worthy of a joke or two (otherwise we'd cry).

But when millions of innocent and unwitting British taxpayers are going to suffer severe austerity so that a handful of bankers can grab the world by its nuts and give them a very hard pull if we don't bow down before our self-proclaimed gods and sacrifice ourselves to Gaia, then I think alot more than a joke, as funny as it is, is required.

Don't you?

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