
Wednesday, February 09, 2011


And so were you!

All of you!

When we hand over the God-like power to create non-existent money out of nothing to people who claim to be 'experts' then we expect to be treated with some respect.

Instead they engineer world wars and order their minions to order us to fight those wars. Out of the carnage they then finance a world government apparatus.

But in the last decade they found a new trick to exploit us with; a credit bubble based on property, backed up with fancy mathematical jiggery pokery 'proving' that everyone would be a winner!

But it didn't turn out that way.

It's obvious, even to the roach in the muddy Bridgewater Canal, that when you lend to jobless no hopers then you should not expect to get your money back. But that's what the banks did! They loaned and loaned and loaned, creating trillions in debt, and then sliced and diced those debts into tiny pieces, mixed them all up into bundles so that nobody knew who owed what to whom, and then sold that debt on to 'investors', i.e. mugs, i.e. us in the form of our banks and pension funds etc etc etc.

So when the jobless no hopers couldn't repay their loans the whole system panicked. All it needed was a BIG failure, and Bilderberg Hank Paulson provided it by allowing Lehman Bros to fail, but only after bailing out some other banks beforehand. Paulson has not satisfactorily explained why he allowed Lehman to fail.

Anyway, in the following panic select Bilderberg banks grew and gobbled up competitors with bailout funds supplied by their Bilderberg minions in government. Other banks, belonging to the Rothschild Inter Alpha Group, ran crying to their governments for bailouts, who then ran to the IMF for bailouts. The IMF, a tool of the coming world Nazi tyranny and having earlier boasted that it would soon control the global economy, gladly supplied the bailouts and demanded Nazi austerity in return. Thus the Bilderberg Nazis had deliberately piled up gambling debts that were first transferred to the public by corrupt national governments assuming those debts, then those corrupt national governments sold their citizens into IMF Nazi austerity by accepting IMF bailouts.

But where does the IMF get its money? It creates out of thin air.

And how could our governments get their money? By creating it out of thin air.

But for some corrupt reason, they rely on the Bilderberg banks and Bilderberg IMF for their money, instead of allowing the Nazi private banks to go into bankruptcy, and then creating their own money to create nations the citizens can be proud of. If we created our own money we would not be killing old people via the Liverpool Care Pathway in order to satisfy the death lust of the Nazi banks and pay off the gambling debts of those same Nazi banks.

We, or was it the installed monarchy in 1694, gave the banks the God-like power to create non-existent money out of thin air.

They abused that power.

They need bashing, for ever and ever and ever.

Never stop bashing the banks and bankers until they are dead or in jail.

Ignore Oik.

He is a COCC.

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