
Monday, February 28, 2011


My definition of Pound Sterling is
a number stored on a specific computer which can only be transferred from one specific computer to another specific computer on a specific computer network and transformed into paper only on a specific network that interacts with humans

This definition covers the facts that
1. when a bank creates a loan the pound sterling for that loan does not exist physically and the loan is thus just numbers on a specified computer
2. when a bank creates a loan that money is registered simply as numbers on a specific computer, but not just any computer (so that if you type a few numbers into a spreadsheet on your computer which does not belong to the specific network then you have not create pound sterling
3. to retain its value when the numbers are transferred from one bank to another bank then it must be transferred on a specific network to eliminate the possibility that anyone, i.e. you, can access that specific network and a specific computer on that network and amend a number on that specific computer.
4. only a specific network can then change that representation from number to paper via a cash machine or bank cashier
5. the above is designed to secure a specified network so that not just any muggins British taxpayer in the street can create money out of nothing by simply typing a few numbers into a spreadsheet on their home PC, and that such God-like power is retained only by a specified cabal of warmongering kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs who are desperately implementing a world government to kill 80% of the world's human population.

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