
Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Despite reports in UK media, including the BBC, that ObLs brother was taken alive, CNN is reporting that it has been told that there exists a photograph of the dead son of ObL. Other photos include ObL at a hangar before being dumped at sea.

It is possible that he was taken alive but killed in transit.

But if he is also dead what happened to his corpse? Was that buried at sea too?


CNN White House Senior Supervising Producer Stacia Deshishku

From CNN’s National Political Correspondent Jessica Yellin

A Senior US Official tells CNN 10 hard drives, 5 computers and more than 100 storage devices which includes discs, DVDs and thumb drives were taken from the compound.

The senior us official also says the White House received 3 sets of photos yesterday. The photos included:

1. Photos of OBLs body at a hanger after he was brought back to Afghanistan. This is the most recognizable with a clear picture of his face. The picture is gruesome because he has a massive open head wound across both eyes. It’s very bloody and gory.

2. Photos from the burial at sea on the USS Carl Vinson. Photos of OBL before the shroud was put on and then wrapped in the shroud.

3. There are photos of the raid itself that include photos of the two dead brothers, one of OBLs dead son (adult adolescent, maybe approx 18 yrs old) and some of the inside scene of the compound.

The official says the challenge is that the picture that includes the most recognizable image of OBLs face – from the hangar in Afghanistan – is so gruesome and mangled its not appropriate for say the front page of the newspaper. On the other hand, this is the one that is most identifiable as him.

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