
Thursday, June 09, 2011


David Aaronovitch was on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast this morning trying to debunk Bilderberg.

He failed.

He wheeled out the usual lizard/jews/people-psychologically-requiring-conspiracies-to-explain-everything theories, without addressing the overwhelming evidence that Bilderberg is a very sinister group with plans for global domination and drastic population reduction.

But, why was he on the show in the first place?

Why did the BBC feel the need to debunk Bilderberg if it is simply a harmless gathering of politicians wanting a little privacy?

Bilderberg planned the EU, which now dominates British law, and the Euro decades in advance of them becoming the force they are today.

Bilderberger and former NATO SecGen Willy Claes revealed last year that Bilderberg does control world events and explained how.

And of course, the BBC did not give anyone else the chance to put forward the anti-Bilderberg view.

Bilderberg is attended by the bankers who deliberately caused the financial crisis, who were bailed out with trillions and bought up their struggling competitors at bargain basement prices with bailouts from their Bilderberg minions.

Bilderberg is run by the Rockefellers who initially financed and continue to finance the eugenics movement, were instrumental in creating the Nazis and their racial hygiene programs, and David Rockefeller has also written of his plan for world government.

And then there is Henry Kissinger. Earlier this year Kissinger blurted out that what was happening in Egypt at the time was "only the first scene of the first act of a drama that is to be played out". Months later and we now see what he meant. Arrest warrants have been issued for Kissinger by several countries around the globe.

Jim Tucker gets told what was agreed upon by inside sources, and what Bilderberg agrees upon usually happens (except war on Iran it seems).

The fact they felt the need to debunk Bilderberg and scraped the barrel by inviting Aaronovitch shows their desperation.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog !

    Bilderberg Believers Are Mental Say BBC
