
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It has been a month since my last post. I have been quite ill, and am still not fully recovered but on the mend, and am now strong enough to resume blogging. Hence, a slight return.

I listened to Alex Jones last night for the first time in weeks. What an inspiration he is! I wish he would set aside at least 10 minutes per show to go off on a rant. We need passionate, accurate, inspiring rants. I wish I could speak like he does. Perhaps I could because I have yet to try. I certainly feel like he does, and have thought about starting a political party which would require the same deeply emotional oratory.

The current batch of corrupt wretches in the House of Commons need to understand the situation and have a reality check as soon as possible.

Note to MPs : You don't give warmongering genocidal satanist megalomaniacs the power to create money out of nothing so they can lend it out, and at interest!!

Not only is just plain stupid. It is suicidal.

At least they are now giving Murdoch a good kicking. Next on the list should be Soros, who may, as has been proposed by Alex, in a fit of panic be driving the attack on Murdoch to eliminate a rival. It is a good sign when they start to fight among themsleves, and even better when it is so public.

Dennis Skinner, one of my favourite MPs, proposed in the debate in the Commons a few days ago that the Energy Secretary should drive Murdoch to the airport and put him on the first plane to Australia.

But to my great disappointment we are still involved in stirring up regional wars, still being robbed blind and still apparently loving it.

Not me!

It has to stop, or the majority of us are doomed. It won't happen immediately. It won't happen next week. But it will start soon. Read their documents and writings. They want about a billion at most, perhaps half that, concentrated in megacities so we are much easier to control. At the moment we are dispersed, awakening and rebelling, and it is scaring the brown stuff out of them.

I still think Iran is the target, whether by direct attack, by proxy via Syria, or by a revolution. Kissinger and Soros have publicly stated this. At the moment they cannot be ignored. But perhaps their time has come and gone. Perhaps we can now ignore their arrogance. Perhaps we can write to them, phone them, protest their presence, start poking our fingers into their abdomen and face and tell them to f off before they walk the plank.

Yes. Perhaps it is now our time.


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