
Sunday, July 17, 2011


In an editorial today the Bilderberg Washington Post defends Murdoch and his media empire, making several claims to support their defence[1]. These claims are
1. that the hacking of the phones and computers of politicians by media organisations is hardly new
2. Rebekah Brooks has already resigned
3. that Murdoch's decision to withdraw his bid to control BSkyB will benefit British media, of which Murdoch already controls 40% of newspaper circulation according to the editorial
4. that British law is strong enough to prosecute any wrong-doing so no investigation of Murdoch and his media empire by the USA is required
5. that the self-regulatory British Press Complaints Commission is strong enough to handle the fallout from the News of the World hacking scandal etc so an official regulatory body is not required
6. that British media laws do not give the media enough freedom which drives them to hack phones of politicians, celebrities etc

In particular I love this sentence.
Britain’s biggest media problem is not too much freedom but too little: Onerous libel laws deter critical reporting about public figures and arguably drive journalists to measures such as phone hacking to obtain lawsuit-proof stories.

As with Martin Wolf in the FT recently calling for a new media in Great Britain, there is nothing stopping reporters from the WaPo or FT or any other media "critically reporting" on Bilderberg or the Council on Foreign Relations or BeHomo Bohemian Grove, but they rarely print anything of any substance and when they do they portray these treasonous scheming satanic organisations as a simple gathering of like-minded folk to play or to talk. The fact that they hold mock human sacrifices and discuss engineering wars and mass genocide goes unreported.

But why would the Post defend Murdoch?

Is it defending Murdoch, or the right of the media to snoop into anybody's life and use the intelligence to politically assassinate and/or blackmail people?

We know that Echelon has been listening into all our phone calls, emails, texts, faxes etc for decades. There are probably much more sophisticated intelligence gathering systems now (and here I suggest remote mind reading from many miles away), but intelligence gathered in such ways cannot be released into the public domain because it will expose how such systems work.

It is possible however, knowing that the media is infiltrated by MI5/CIA/Mossad etc via Operation Mockingbird, that intelligence gathered by old and/or modern systems is being passed down to the Mockingbird, dressed up as rogue reporting and used to control/blackmail politicians, celebrities, etc, and that if an inquiry begins to look into this link between intelligence and the media it might uncover a few facts that certain people would prefer to remain secret. This could explain why the Washington Post, arguably the mouthpiece of the Null World Order, is concerned that the outrage caused by the News of the World has gone too far already.

[1] Don’t let the response to News of the World go too far, WP, 17/07/2011

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