
Thursday, August 18, 2011


Princess Diana was murdered. We all know that. Let's not pretend she wasn't. She was murdered. And we also know who by. Let's not pretend we don't, because we do; the Dark Forces of Windsor.

One of the reasons suggested as to why she was murdered was land mines. She had become active in promoting anti-land mine organisations which obviously threatened certain interests and arms manufacturers.

Another suggested reason is that Diana was murdered because she had become engaged to Dodi and the struggling Null World Order did not want a Muslim anywhere near to the throne. This is a more acceptable reason than the land mine suggestion.

But is there more to it than that?

Why was there such occult symbolism in her death? To have such symbolism implies to me that her murder was part of something big, something global and something involving death on a huge scale.

So what happened a few years after Diana's murder?

Yep. 9/11.

Following 9/11 the UK, USA and other nations ganged up and invaded fossil fuel-rich nations based on lies. For example, we invaded Iraq because we were told Iraq was involved in 9/11 and also had a WMD program which threatened our back garden summer barbecues. We were told we knew where the WMD were too; north, south, east and west of Baghdad and around Tikrit, according to Donald Rumsfeld. No WMDs and several whitewash inquiries later and finally the Chilcot Inquiry is allegedly going to accuse elements of the government at the time of deliberately lying.

Two documents prophecising the events following 9/11 were Rebuilding America's Defenses by PNAC, and Israel's A Clean Break. Both called for war on Iraq. Rebuilding America's Defenses accused Iran of being more of a threat to American interests than Iraq. A Clean Break called for military aggression against Lebanon and Syria.

Nearly ten years after 9/11 and such mass military has almost come to pass. Iraq was invaded in 2003. Following the successful war in Iraq events in Lebanon and Syria turned ugly with the assassination of Rafik Hariri. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon was created to investigate that assassination. It first accused Lebanese officers loyal to Syria. The subsequent Cedar Revolution drove Syria out of Lebanon, and shortly after that Israel started a contrived war on Lebanon in 2006, but lost to Hezbollah.

But one country designated a target still remains untouched; Iran.

Iran is now surrounded. US military is now in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

In 2009 another colour revolution, this time Green, failed to oust the Iranian government. Several attempts were also made to entice Iran into military conflict, most obviously the British marines who 'accidentally' sailed into disputed waters but who later admitted to spying on Iran.

So today what is happening in that region?

The STL has now conceded it's first accusations were false, and that now it accuses four members of Hezbollah of killing Hariri.

Syria is experiencing a serious destabilisation as part of the Arab Spring (soon to be Arab Autumn).

And both Henry Kissinger and George Soros have publicly stated that war on Iran is the aim of the Arab Spring Autumn.

All this military action that was foretold in documents written before the event has occured since 9/11.

And all this military action takes years to plan. For example, A Clean Break was written in 1996.

And it is all occuring in a region dominated by Islam.

Now imagine how the engagement and subsequent marriage, with possible subsequent children, between the beloved Princess Diana, the people's princess, and the Muslim Dodi could and would have affected not only British but also American public opinion. In the four years between September 1997 and September 2001 Diana and Dodi could have married and had children. A deeper understanding of Islam would have occured as the people saw their princess so in lurv with a Muslim. And war between us would have been not so easy to start, even after an event such as 9/11.

So when a witness steps forward to say she saw Diana and Dodi picking out an engagement ring in Monte Carlo, which was then sent to Paris, an event that the whitewash Scott Baker inquest said never happened, I believe that witness.

I believe that witness because it supports the reason why I think Diana was murdered; to clear the way for our future invasion of the Caspian and Middle East to wage war and grab natural resources.


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Dodi Fayed and Princess Diana stroll by the sea in the French Riviera resort of St Tropez

Wednesday August 17,2011
By Mark Reynolds

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PRINCESS Diana and Dodi Fayed were already secretly engaged when she was killed, according to explosive new ­evidence.

A German journalist has come forward to tell of a visit to Monte Carlo by Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed – just seven days before the fatal Paris car crash in August 1997.

Trixi Chall, who wrote for Germany’s popular Bild ­newspaper for two decades, claims she saw Diana pointing at and picking out a diamond-encrusted ring from an exclusive ­jeweller as they strolled through the resort.

Dodi later arranged for the £11,500 ring – from Repossi the jeweller’s Tell Me Yes range – to be sent to the shop’s sister outlet in Paris. It was then delivered to his suite at the Paris Ritz hotel just hours before the couple died.

The remarkable evidence adds weight to the claims made by former Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed that Diana and Dodi were murdered in an Establishment plot to stop the Princess marrying a Muslim.
They looked in the window and Diana was pointing with her finger at something.

Trixi Chall

Ms Chall has now come forward to speak for the first time about the dramatic event she witnessed during an ordinary morning shopping excursion in the swish casino resort of Monte Carlo on Saturday August 23 1997.

Ms Chall had retired and was living in Monte Carlo at the time. On that morning she went to an electrical store by the port. She said that on leaving she glanced across the road and was surprised to see Diana hand-in-hand with a man she had never seen before.

She said: “It was amazing because there were no bodyguards. I was stunned as they looked like a very normal young couple in love, rather like naughty teenagers. I just remained on the other side of the road and they walked on a bit ahead of me.


“She was so beautiful and so happy and at one point he put his arm around her shoulder and I felt I could cry. I thought to myself, ‘Thank God she’s found a man.’

“They were dressed very casually and no one paid any attention to them. I was fascinated and he looked kind, which was nice to see. I felt that love was in the air.”

Ms Chall followed them. She said: “Nobody else was aware of them and they were aware of nobody, as if they were the only ones in the world. They were not in any hurry, were chatting happily and strolling casually.”

Ms Chall, who has detailed her account in a signed statutory declaration, added: “They went to the shop on the left of the Hermitage hotel. They looked in the window and Diana was pointing with her finger at something. I saw them entering the shop.”

There has been much speculation that Diana had an engagement ring when she died after secretly ­becoming engaged to Mr Fayed.

During the 2007 inquest into the couple’s death, evidence was heard from the shop owner Albert Repossi that Diana had tried the ring on.

And Ritz hotel executive Claude Roulet said he brought Dodi the love token to give to Diana, hours before the crash on August 30 1997.

When she arrived back home, Ms Chall called her friends and relatives.

Her niece, Janet Sayers, speaking last week from her home in Croydon, south London, recalled the phone call. She said: “It was no ‘Hello ­darling’ as usual, but ‘Guess who I have seen in Monaco today’. She told me they looked so much in love. She also said she saw them looking in a ­jewellery shop at rings.”

Ms Chall said she has never given her account to the various investigations because she felt strongly from very early on there was a huge “cover-up of the truth coming from the top”. She said: “I did write an article for Bild but they rejected it and told me it was ‘too hot to handle’.”

She added: “Going to the police would have been a waste of time and I didn’t want any problems. They would probably say I was inventing it.”

But John Morgan, an investigative author who has written several books about Diana’s death, said Ms Chall has provided a very credible account that fits with the evidence of other witnesses at the London inquests.

He said that Dodi’s holistic healer Myriah Daniels, who was there, had told how Diana and Dodi had taken off at one point without the bodyguards in Monte Carlo.

In an inquest statement, Claude Roulet, vice-president of the Paris Ritz Hotel, said how Dodi had told him Diana liked a ring she had seen. Mr Roulet was asked to ensure the ring was available for them in Paris.

A week later in Paris, Dodi bought the engagement ring from Repossi’s Dis-Moi-Oui – Tell Me Yes – range.

In his summing up to the inquest jury Lord Justice Scott Baker stated “there is no evidence Diana participated in choosing” the ring.

But Mr Morgan said: “The truth may be quite different. This new account from Trixi Chall should be viewed in the light of the inquest ­evidence of both Myriah Daniels and Claude Roulet.”

He added: “In a bizarre twist to this story, the staff inside the Monte Carlo Repossi store on August 23 1997 were not heard from during Scott Baker’s “thorough” inquest and have never been interviewed by police.”

Copyright ©2006 Northern and Shell Media Publications

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