
Thursday, September 22, 2011


The two-headed monster known as The Cleggeron currently governing this Disunited Kingdom revealed itself in all its banker-loving glory yesterday.

The Clegg head of The Cleggeron seemed very proud of his servitude to the bankers, boasting of how the economy and the muggins British taxpayers are to be sacrificed to pay for the bailouts of the gambling Nazi banks. The Cleggeron did not say that a bank or banker will be prosecuted and jailed after destroying the economy.

The Cameron head of The Cleggeron is expected to say exactly the same in two weeks time, that the muggins British taxpayer has to suffer severe austerity to pay for the bailouts of the gambling Nazi banks and will not say that a bank or banker will be prosecuted and jailed after destroying the economy.

So how can we tell which head is which?

When the Clegg head talks the world appears yellow, and when the Cameron head talks the world appears blue.

Beware the Cleggeron! It serves the bankers not the British people.

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