
Thursday, September 29, 2011


Here is a question I don't think we will see discussed in the media; should we introduce the death penalty for the Bilderberg Nazi bankers?

We are already seeing the results of the bailouts of the Nazi bankers in the form of austerity. Perhaps the classic form of austerity which threatens lives is the cuts in the NHS. Cameron rolled into Number 10 on a wave of breaking promises, one of which was the NHS was safe in Conservative hands. We were then told the NHS budget was ringfenced. But it has now become apparent that the NHS is being cut, threatening services and lives. Indeed a system of palliative care called the Liverpool Care Pathway is already being accused, supported by substantial evidence, of being a form of euthanasia, and the cuts in the NHS have yet to be fully implemented.

This week we have seen what the priorities of the Bilderberg Nazi bankers are.

On Monday it was reported that it is being proposed that drugs which prolong the lives of those with cancer should be withhheld because they are too expensive. One doctor I saw on the news suggested better palliative care. Did he mean the euthanasia program called the Liverpool Care Pathway?

But on the very same day it was proposed that to raise the 2 trillion euros that is estimated to save the Bilderberg Nazi bankers dream of a European currency the 440 billion euros in the EFSF should be used to create a new bank which could use that money as a basis from which 2 trillion euros could be created out of thin air. NB 2 trillion is a conservative estimate of the required bailouts, and double that is more likely.

So what is being proposed is that on the one hand we kill people because of lack of money due to bailing out the banks, while on the other we create trillions of euros out of thin air to save the Euro dream of the Bilderberg Nazi bankers.

Is this what our fathers and grandfathers fought for in WW1 and WW2?

This form of killing was introduced by the Nazis in their T4 program. The Nazis were created and financed by the City of London and Wall Street and in particular by the Rockefellers who were, and still are, very interested in eugenics. The Rockefellers are instrumental in Bilderberg where they meet and arguably vet our Prime Ministers and other political and industrial and military leaders. The Euro dream was agreed at Bilderberg 1955.

The Bilderberg Nazi bankers are prepared to kill us and our friends and relatives while we suffer austerity because we bailed them out because of their greed and gambling, while they can create trillions out of thin air to save their Euro dream.

So a question for you to discuss in your office, your classroom, your factory, your warehouse, is; should we introduce the death penalty for Bilderberg Nazi bankers?

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