
Friday, September 23, 2011


It is possible that Israel can be tamed today.

A shot across its bows will make the Zionist aggressors think more than once about anything it does; land grabs, settlements, intercepting toys bound for Gaza, etc.

Palestinians will not wake up tomorrow to suddenly find that they live in a land of lush green fields and streets paved with gold, but they will have a much higher degree of protection in international law. There will still be a lot of negotiation to have with Israel, but Palestine will have the official and full backing of The United Nations.

And that will tame Israel...maybe...

There is a growing movement within Israel that peace with the Palestinians is preferable to the wars and terror, and they recognise that the wars and terror are due to their presence and Cromwellian attitude to the Palestinians.

The reality of Israel is that it was created over more than a century to create massive global friction between Zionism and Islam. If Obama vetoes Palestinian statehood today then he will provide further proof that the USA is controlled by Zionism, and that what we have seen since 9/11 are the opening scenes to a world war 3 that was planned about 150 years ago, the two previous world wars being stepping stones to create the conditions we see today.

The USA is building more and more bases for their killer drones which will kill 'insurgents' and 'suspected terrorists', but from what we have seen in Pakistan it will be mainly innocent men, women and child civilians that are killed by these drones. This will drive more and more angry Muslims to join the Jihad. These new drone bases are in an area of the world that is predominantly Islamic, so we can guess the result of this.

The Israeli-Palestine conflict must be brought to an end as soon as possible. It has caused the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands on both sides, and will continue to cause even more deaths.

But both sides must recognise that they are both victims of a diabolical plan for three world wars, and that we are all suffering because of it.

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