
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Unison, Unite and the Fire Brigades Union have today all served notice to ballot to strike over pensions. This adds to previous similar statements by the PCSU, Prospect and FDA[1].

BBC Radio 5 Live this morning has been asking people to phone, email or text in to answer the question, would they support the strikes?

I would say about it was 50/50 in support of/against the strikes. But the main reason given why people would not support the strikes is that the unions have to live in something called "the real world".

Their logic is that if they have nothing then everyone else must have nothing...everyone that is except the Nazi banking class.

To me a job in the public sector means hard possibly dangerous work, low pay, and a pension, and a job in the private sector means exactly the same...for most people. Yes, there are always exceptions for those at the top and these can be made an example of to give a corrupt image of either sector.

But let's get things straight. The reason why everything is being cut is to pay for the bailouts of the gambling Nazi banks. It is not due to anything the unions did. Today it has been announced that unemployment rose by 80000 in the 3 months to July, and employment in the public sector fell by 110000 in the same period[2]. The Oik said that the private sector would take up this slack. It has not. Why? Because the banks are not lending the amounts they agreed. And even if they did I doubt there would be enough jobs created with that extra finance.

This week The Vickers Report into the future of banking in this Disunited Kingdom was published with great fanfare that there would be radical changes to the banking system. Yes, our savings and deposits will be slightly more secure, but the same tools and tricks and frauds that the gambling Nazi banks abused to create the current financial crisis are still available to them. These are
1. creating loadsamoney out of thin air based on our savings and deposits,
2. using our savings and deposits as collateral in gambling,
3. creating and trading exotic derivatives based on loans and mortgages that were created out of thin air

Due to this abuse the ordinary muggins British taxpayer is now suffering unemployment and homelessness. And that pain has ony just begun. It will get worse next year.

But despite having the power to create loadsamoney out of thin air the banks are not doing so, so that SMEs are constantly complaining that they cannot get the finance to create more jobs to take up some of the unemployment caused by others, such as national and local governments, laying their employees off.

So the gambling Nazi banks caused the crisis, and are not helping us out of it, despite having the tools to do so. In the meantime, British taxpayers, whose parents and grandparents fought the Nazis in the engineered WW2, are being laid off and made homeless, and anyone who shows any sign of using their lawful right to strike to keep their standard of life in the race to the bottom is accused of not living in this "the real world"!

So what is this "the real world"?

The real world is fighting in engineered wars to empower a megalomaniac Nazi elite. The real world is working your fingers to the bone just to survive when the bankers can create money out of thin air. The real world is being terrorized by treasonous elements within your own government. The real world is being lied to about global warming and over population. The real world is being too scared to ask questions.

I'm glad I don't live in that real world anymore. I used to, but I escaped.

It is time we created another real world, one that serves the people and not a cabal of warmongering, satanic, kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs.

[1] Public sector unions line up to announce strike ballots, The Guardian, 14/09/2011
[2] Unemployment rises above 2.5m milestone, The Guardian, 14/09/2011

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