
Sunday, October 30, 2011


We live in freedom, don't we?

It's what our ancestors fought in WW1 and WW2 for, isn't it?

It might look like freedom, but when you look close enough you realise it is not. We live in the wrong freedom.

What we live in is not the freedom our ancestors fought for. We live in fraudism.

Fraud + Fascism = Fraudism = false freedom.

It's not quite freedom, but twisted through lenses and lies, it could appear to be freedom...but it is not!

My grandfathers fought in WW2 against the Nazis. I never met them. They died before I was born. I am told they lived through it but came back broken twisted different men. What did they and their colleagues really fight for?

Initially it was to save Poland. But at the end of WW2 Poland was, as was the whole of Eastern Europe, eventually consumed by Stalinist USSR. Most say the Nazis were defeated, but some disagree. The Nazis were labelled as Fascist. But look around you. Look at what has happened to this Disunited Kingdom?

A cabal of corporations and banks based in The City of London has held us to ransom without fear of prosecution from a subservient government.

Our political, military and business leaders attend a not-now-so-secret meeting called Bilderberg, which is run by David Rockefeller and his undead sidekick Henry Kissinger. The Rockefellers and their friends saved a near bankrupt Nazi Party, and then supported and financed the Nazis in a number of ways, including eugenics. Kissinger brought Nazis to the USA after WW2 in Operation Paperclip, the purpose of which was to help fight the Communists after we had given them Eastern Europe, China...AND THE BOMB! And very few knew the real truth of how Soviet Russia was created by Wall Street too.

Another vocal Bilderberg member is George Soros. He worked for the Nazis.

From this engineered expansion of Communism and preservation of Nazism, extreme left and right, we had the Cold War and the subsequent nuclear tension and arms race, and created paramilitary police states supposed to protect us, and to keep us 'free'.

Another consequence of the Nazis was their persecution of European Jewry. Before WW2 most Jews did not want a Jewish homeland, despite The Transfer Agreement between the British and the Nazis in the 1930s which provided incentives and enticements for German Jews to go to Palestine. But that all changed after WW2, as the Palestinians found out as they were chased off their lands by Jewish thugs. The tension between Jews and Muslims since then has led to global Islamic terrorism and the loss of even more 'freedom' to even more police state laws that are supposed to protect us and keep us 'free'.

Is this what my grandfathers fought for?

A depressing sign of how little we respect what our ancestors fought for, a report in The Sunday Telegraph addresses the lack of respect for the war memorials we built for them[1]. Every year on Remembrance Sunday our leaders put on their grim faces and pretend to care for the war dead as they lay wreathes. But as soon as the veterans leave the Cenotaph our leaders are scheming blatant wars and/or invasions (as with the case of Iraq and very very soon Iran) or fake civil wars to give the pretext for NATO to drop its love bombs and install racist, bloodthirsty Islamists of a highly dubious democratic nature (as in the case of Libya and very very soon Syria and Iran).

And while we spend billions on this military imperialism we kill our old and sick in our rented hospitals to bail out gambling fraudulent banks.

All this sounds like the Nazis and Fascism...and it is. It is exactly what the Nazis did. They went to war while killing their old and sick. They used false flag operations as at Gleiwicz to start a world war, as did our leaders on 9/11. They used government to enrich a cabal through slave labour, as will our leaders as benefits will be denied to blameless jobless British taxpayers suffering austerity who will be forced to work for virtually free while not one single banker is prosecuted for wrecking and looting the economy.

And our banking system allows fraud. The banks pretend to have money that does not exist, then create loads more for loans and mortgages that stand no chance of being repaid and then cry to our Bilderberg leaders that they have no money and can they have all ours to buy yet more whores, yachts and villas!

Then our Bilderberg military leaders go to war and unleash new crowd control technology on peaceful protests, which sometimes turn violent due to their agents provocateur. They may even blow up civilians and blame it on the Reds, as NATO did in Operation Gladio.

I do not think our fathers and grandfathers fought and died for this.

Perhaps this year we will all ask ourselves, what exactly did they fight and die for?

[1] Campaigners warn of rising threats to nation's war memorials, The Sunday Telegraph, 30/10/2011

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