
Thursday, October 20, 2011


The Daily Telegraph has a video of Gaddafi (or a double) bloodied and battered but alive. He is dragged off the back of a pick up truck and looks a bit scared. A crazed al Qaeda rebel is screaming Allah U Akbar! Allah U Akbar! Allah U Akbar! Allah U Akbar!

The video is at the comment at 1744 and is embedded below.

The Guardian says an AP report is quoting a Libyan information officer stating Gaddafi died in an ambulance on the way to hospital of two bullet wounds, one to the head and one to the chest. The video above shows he had neither at the time he was dragged off the truck.

Here is a photo of the corpse said to be Gaddafi taken from The Guardian from the same report.

This is a case from the 1970s when the family were showing their holiday photos on one of those rotating slide machines when a photo of a beautiful scantily clad woman comes up; Ooops! How did that get in there?

How did that bullet wound in Gaddafi's head get there?

But more importantly, who put it there?

Who had the balls and the authority to execute Gaddafi?

Why did he execute Gaddafi?

And why is he not going public about being the executioner?

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