
Sunday, October 02, 2011


The single European currency the Euro was agreed at Bilderberg 1955. Bilderberg is associated with the Null World Order based in the Anglo-American Establishment.

So if this cabal wanted a single European currency why is this DK (not UK) not in the Euro?

One answer is that to create a single European currency is a massive massive project with potentially lethal pitfalls and banana skins. So to stay out of it while it is formed while standing on the sidelines encouraging its formation means that this DK does not suffer the disasters that befall the Euro while it is formed but can join it after it has stabilised.

This is what I have believed is the case, that a single European Super State is being engineered with a single leader, a single currency, a single military, a single foreign policy, etc but one that is not as strong as it could be while it is being formed and then the DK can finally join as the ruling nation.

But lately I have come to question this because there seems to be little appetite to solve the Euro crisis among European leaders, many of whom are Bilderberg, who are leaving things a bit late. On the one hand you have Soros demanding the Euro be saved through Eurobonds, and Merkel risking her political career to get Germany to donate more and more to saving Europe. On the other hand Trichet and Barosso appear to be concerned but are also doing little.

So what is going on?

Is there a split within Bilderberg over the Euro?

Webster Tarpley has recently published another thought-provoking article, this time about the Euro[1]. He claims the Euro is being attacked to place the depression onto Europe so that the UK and USA can gain strength and eventually rule a broken Europe.

This makes sense in some ways, but not in others.

Across the world we see formations of continental unions; the African Union, the North American Union, etc. David Icke proposes these are stepping stones towards a single world government, and I can understand this. It is easier to form a world governmnent from 5 or 6 continental unions rather than from 200 or so sovereign nation states.

But what will happen to these unions if the Euro and thus the EU is destroyed?

What kind of world government are the Null World Order working to create?

Is it something overt like the UN but with a lot more authority? Or will it be as-it-is but more covert with their authority exercised through financial means? If the latter then was the former the most desired but is now unattainable?

If a new bank is created using the EFSF as a basis from which to create trillions out of thin air to save the Euro, the EFSF being in reality nothing but numbers on a computer, then this will signal Bilderberg's intent to save the Euro. I can see Tarpley's point of view, but I can also see a new bank being created by the Bilderberg Nazi bankers to create trillions out of thin air to save the Euro while we kill our old and sick because of austerity.

[1] Europe Must Fight Back Against US-UK Speculative Attacks,

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