
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Bilderberger and Foreign Secretary William Hague is in the House of Commons this afternoon talking about the storming of The British Embassy in Tehran yesterday.

I have been trying to get through to all that Iran has been the target of British and American intrigue for decades. We assisted Operation Ajax in overthrowing the very popular and democratically elected Mossadegh because he had the cheek to want to use Iranian oil for Iranians. For similar reasons Pahlavi was kicked out in the Iranian Revolution.

The latest reason for targetting Iran is because of an alleged nuclear weapons program. The forces behind war on Iran are the USA, Israel and the UK. There is no smoking gun evidence of this program, only hearsay, supposition and allegations from...the USA, Israel and the UK. The USA gave Iran nuclear technology in the first place. Meanwhile Israel has nukes.

The PNAC document Rebuilding America's Defenses lists Iraq and Iran as threats to American national security. Despite having no evidence that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and no evidence that Iraq had WMD the USA invaded Iraq.

The list of countries named by Israel in A Clean Break as threats to Israeli national security was expanded to include Libya, which has just been attacked after an engineered NATOlution.

Syria was also on that list.

But what takes war on Iran and Syria to a totally different level (the two are close allies and have stated they will defend the other) is that Russia and China are getting involved.

For whatever reason Russia and China abstained on UNSCR 1973, allowing war on Libya.

But for whatever reason they are drawing a line in the sand over Syria and Iran.

If either Syria or Iran is attacked, the other will join in. That will bring in Hezbollah and Hamas. All these will attack Israel from all sides. Perhaps the grand idea of installing Islamists in Libya and Egypt is for them to turn on Israel when this war kicks off. Israel will use its nukes. Pakistan may then use their nukes. Russia and China on one side. The USA on the other.

This is no time to talk about "serious consequences" for an embassy being invaded. Nobody died, unlike in Operation Ajax and unlike what will happen if we do go to war. Some documents were stolen (I wonder what they reveal?). That's all.

Perhaps if our insane and morally bankrupt leaders stopped committing false flag terror attacks and killing their own people so they can start threatening other nations with war and bloody revolutions then their embassies might not get invaded.

Hague has to go immediately so his ignorant belligerence is removed from the international scene to avoid a World War 3 planned 150 years ago.

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