
Monday, November 28, 2011


The Occupy London movement camped at St Pauls and elsewhere across London has issued its demands.

And I'm absolutely 100% sure that 99% of the population will agree with them. The remaining 1% will be squirming in their gentlemen's clubs (or is it strip clubs today?), Mediterranean yachts, Ferraris etc.

The demands are
Globally, corporations deprive the public purse of hundreds of billions of pounds each year, leaving insufficient funds to provide people with fair living standards. We must abolish tax havens and complex tax avoidance schemes, and ensure corporations pay tax that accurately reflects their real profits.

Corporate lobbying subverts our democracy. Last year corporations spent £2 billion influencing the British government. We believe exploitative corporate lobbying has no place in a democratic society. Legislation to ensure full and public transparency of all corporate lobbying activities must be put in place. This should be overseen by a credible and independent body, directly accountable to the people.

The existing system of corporate sanctions allows executives and board members to avoid individual responsibility for the consequences of their actions and inactions. Those directly involved in the decision-making process must be held personally liable for their role in the misdeeds of their corporations and duly charged for all criminal behaviour.

[source : Occupy London calls for an end to tax havens, for lobbying transparency and personal accountability for executives,]

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