
Saturday, November 05, 2011


If you read the UK newspapers today you could be forgiven for thinking the recent G20 meeting was a failure and that nothing was agreed and that we are all still in big big trouble.

But fear not!

For there is at least one winner; BILDERBERG!

As pointed out yesterday the coffers of the IMF are to AT LEAST double in size. But the details of how this is to be achieved are being left until next year. The IMF is more or less controlled by Bilderberg (Lagarde is alleged to have attended in 2009), and is part of the apparatus designed to regulate and control the global economy for the global fascists.

The statements of Christine Lagarde and the G20 leaders show just how happy she and they are at the much expanded role the IMF will now have over Europe following the G20 meeting (of traitors). This is all in line with the statement of a few years ago that the IMF will soon control the global economy. In those statements there is much reference to increased surveillance by the IMF, integration and expanded use of the SDR.[1][2]

One decision that was agreed upon was that The Financial Stability Board is to be run by Mark Carney[3]. Where was he this summer? Oh, at the Bilderberg meeting in St Moritz, Switzerland. Carney is, oh look, ex-Goldman Sachs.

Carney's deputy will be Philipp Hildebrand, head of the Swiss National Bank. Both Carney and Hildebrand are members of the Group of 30. Hildebrand is implicated in the curious decision to sell tens of billions of Swiss Francs for Euros.

The FSB is supposed to regulate the too-big-to-fails, which were yesterday named by the FSB as[4];

Bank of America
Bank of China
Bank of New York Mellon
Banque Populaire CdE
BNP Paribas
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Goldman Sachs
Group Crédit Agricole
ING Bank
JP Morgan Chase
Lloyds Banking Group
Mitsubishi UFJ FG
Mizuho FG
Morgan Stanley
Royal Bank of Scotland
Société Générale
State Street
Sumitomo Mitsui FG
Unicredit Group
Wells Fargo

At least half of these are Bilderberg and/or NWO. So here we have a Bilderberg member appointed to regulate Bilderberg banks and their partners in crime.

Ooopsadaisy! They did it again!

[1] Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on the G-20 Cannes Summit, 4/11/2011,
[2] G20 Leaders Summit - Final Communiqué, 4/11/2011,
[3] Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Financial Stability Board, 4/11/2011,
[4], 4/11/2011,

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