
Saturday, December 31, 2011


The Zionists, be it just the USA or with Israel and with backing from the UK, will attempt to start a war with Iran.

That is the prediction.

I am not predicting how this attempt will manifest, or when.

But they killed nearly 3000 people when they executed 9/11. They had announced their intentions exactly one year before when they published Rebuilding America's Defenses, in which they named Iraq and Iran as major threats to US hegemony. Four years before this the same group of Zionists had published A Clean Break naming Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria as threats to Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

General Wesley Clark has since confirmed that a Pentagon plan to start war on seven countries has been ongoing. Syria and Iran are both on that list. The other five, including Libya, have seen either war or interference from the USA.

William Engdahl has also claimed there is a plan for a Greater Middle East, stretching from North Africa all the way to Pakistan.

Both Kissinger and Soros have also publicly stated that Iran will suffer during the Arab Spring.

Wherever you look, you find plans to include Iran as a target.

And when you look at a map, Iran is now surrounded by countries with a large US military presence.

But I am a firm believer in the Albert Pike three-world-war plan, and therefore believe that war on Iran is not, repeat not, the end goal of all these military adventures. The war planners at the Pentagon are unaware of this plan. They take orders to plan for war to save the homeland, save their families, etc. As do the "dumb stupid animals", as Henry Kissinger calls them, on the front line. Only those at the top are aware, and even they may be only suspicious of something more, being kept out of the loop themselves.

A war with Iran will not be like Iraq, or Libya. There is great potential for such a war to escalate to easily drag in Israel, Pakistan, Russia and China, all of whom, with the USA, are nuclear powers. Who knows. Even India could somehow be dragged in.

So if the plan is to have a third world war, as proposed by Albert Pike, the conditions could not be better. The USA with NATO on one side. Russia and China on the other. The issue dividing them is whether a nation in the Middle East other than Israel could be a nuclear power. Chaos from nuclear, chemical and biological warfare reinforced with global financial chaos from sovereign defaults and currency collapse will destroy the global infrastructure that puts food on the table, keeps the lights on, and supplies electricity, gas and water to the majority of the global population. Faced with such chaos, anyone surviving will beg for a world government to stop all the chaos and restore order, but at the least they will be so weak and therefore unable to resist the imposition of a world government.

But the true horror will then have only just begun.

Human population will be reduced to between a half and one billion, and the survivors will be microchipped virtual slaves in a global fascist state and policed by a paramilitary force with absolute powers to arrest, detain, torture and kill without evidence.

Modern history has followed the plan of Albert Pike. I show this on my website The Conspiracy Explained. It explains the creation and rise of Nazism and Communism. It explains the creation, rise and support of Zionism. It explains the folly of the Vietnam War. It explains the collapse of tbe Berlin Wall and the resurgence of Russia. It explains the assassinations of not only JFK, RFK and MLK, but also that of Diana, the People's Princess.

There is no proof that Iran has a nuke or is developing one. There are only rumours and whispers, all coming from the Zionists who told us Iraq had WMD and was involoved in 9/11. Both these allegations were competeley false.

A war with Iran may not lead to a tyrannical world government described above. But with modern history following a plan laid out 150 years ago, many documents and even constructions laying out the plan for mass depopulation, and unquestionable evidence that our elite are satanic paedophile eugenicists who care little for us, can we take the risk?

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