
Thursday, January 05, 2012


Several major news papers online today are covering assisted suicide as their headline or close to it. The following papers have these as their headlines:

The Guardian - Assisted suicide should be legal, says major report to parliament

The Daily Telegraph - Allow assisted suicide for those with less than a year to live

The Daily Mail - Terminally ill given less than a year to live 'should have right to ask their doctor for lethal drugs'

The Independent - Assisted dying review selects those who could end their life

The Daily Express - Terminally ill ‘should have the right to die’

All portray the commission who produced a report recommending that the suicide of the terminally ill should be made easier and legal as independent.

This blog stated that this would happen.

This blog also exposes the Liverpool Care Pathway, in which hospital patients classed as 'terminally ill' are 'allowed' to die, as murder. Practices in hospitals other than the LCP are also killing patients thought to be close to death. But with the LCP and these other practices, due to pure luck and family intervention, some patients that were being 'helped' to die survived to live perfectly normal lives.

This begs the question, just how reliable are our medical practitioners at diagnosing terminal illness?

Lord Falconer chaired the Commission on Assisted Dying who produced the report. Falconer was the one who argued that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was legal.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a society that can instigate a commission into assisted dying, when after being devastated by a financial crisis caused by The City of London does not instigate a commission into which bankers should be prosecuted and whether the derivatives that caused the crisis should be made illegal, i.e. the assisted suicide of derivatives.

We are fast approaching Nazism. We are already at fascism, and have been for a while.

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