
Monday, February 06, 2012


The website has been referenced by both the BBC and Sky today. Images both showed were allegedly of attacks on Homs today, this very day, 6th February 2012.

I have already questioned one source of images, used by the BBC taken by Homs7 from Saudi Arabia.

I have also tried to find other images of Homs on bambuser that the BBC and Sky have used today to show Homs today under mortar fire and cannot find the images they used.

This does not mean they do not exist, but the images used may be from a different day, or from somewhere else, maybe both, but the BBC and Sky have, wittingly or unwittingly stated they are
1. of Homs, and
2. from today 6th February 2012.

And who is this guy Danny Abdul Dayem? He appears to be the go-to man for British media regarding events in Syria, particularly Homs. He was on Newsnight last year claiming to have been shot by Syrian Security forces, but the shooters could equally have been CIA terrorist squads. Dayem has a blog on MI6's al Jazeera. He was interviewed today on both the BBC and Sky claiming to be in Homs and under fire from mortars, 300 already (he got his times wrong too, on an interview on al Jazeera he said the bombing started at 5am but on BBC said it started at 8am, or vice versa). Who is he? And why does the British media trust him so much?

We have to be very very careful here about what to believe is coming out of Syria. We know the Arab Spring is a New World Order production with the stated aim of war on Iran, the trigger for WW3. Stopping events in Syria will probably stop the war on Iran. But then maybe not. They may just go straight for Iran anyway.

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