
Friday, February 10, 2012


That Danny Abdel Dayem geezer has been shown on Sky News every half hour today reporting from Homs, shouting at the camera, "where is the frickin UN? where is the USA?", and showing some living breathing children who looked as though they may have been injured. I don't trust the guy. You cannot argue with some of the reports of established Sky and BBC reporters in Homs that there is some military action going on there, but not everything we are told happened did indeed happen.

Yesterday we were bombarded in the info war with reports that 18 babies had died in their incubators due to deliberate power cuts. Curiously, or perhaps not, the BBC and Sky seemed more concerned about the resignation of Fabio Capello and his possible replacement.

And still no pictures of the 18 dead babies.

But plenty of evidence that the report is just one more example of black propaganda. Both manifestations of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights cannot be trusted.

What cannot be denied is that NATO is killing children in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a result of unmanned drone attacks, and that during Operation Cast Lead in 2008/9 Israel killed approximately 1500 civilians in Gaza, many of whom were children.

Unfortunately there is not now, and there was not then, the desire to show similar pleas from Pakistan and Gaza to the UN and USA for intervention. And even if there were you can bet your last Euro that the USA would veto any criticism or call for cessation of hostilities.

As in all wars it is usually the civilians who suffer the most casualties, and in particular children.

So if it is found that British Special Forces are indeed involved with the Syrian rebs, in what ever capacity, how much responsibility should they take? Or is it all down to Hague, who signed off the use of BSF in Libya?

It is essential and imperative that Hague and/or Hammond be forced to make a statement in The House of Commons about the presence and activities of BSF in Syria.

Do we want our taxpayer money, at a time of brutal Bilderberg austerity, being used to foment a civil war in which innocent children are allegedly dying?

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