
Thursday, February 09, 2012


There are reports today in The Daily Express[1] and The Independent[2] that 18 babies in incubators died in Homs yesterday.

Babies? Incubators?

Haven't we heard this before?

As I reminded you all a few days ago, the most blatant and brazen piece of black propaganda was created in 1990 when a 15 year old girl pretending to be a nurse from Kuwait spoke before the US Congress(!) and said she watched invading Iraqi soldiers toss ill babies out of their incubators and left them to die. The girl was lying. She was the daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to the USA. And Iraq had been tricked into invading Kuwait following statements from US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie that the USA would not intervene if Iraq invaded Kuwait, who Iraq accused of slant drilling and stealing Iraqi oil.

It appears there are two manifestations of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). Russia Today has addressed this oddity today[3], claiming that the SOHR run by Mousab Azzawi ( is less trustworthy than the SOHR run by Rami Abdul Rahman ( because the latter includes deaths of Syrian military at the hands of the armed terrorist gangs, as observed by the Arab League, therefore Rahman's SOHR gives a more balanced account of deaths.

But can we even trust Rahman's organisation?

This dead-babies-in-incubators story led me to find an investigation[4] from last year into a report of...guess what? Dead babies in incubators in Syria, and its shows the farce that is reporting from Syria.

Rahman's SOHR reported AS FACT that babies had died in their incubators because of power cuts. The source was CNN Arabic. But the CNN Arabic report was lifted verbatim from an earlier UNVERIFIED report from...Rahman's SOHR!

Reports of dead babies and incubators certainly get the blood boiling.

That's why we have to be very, very careful about believing not only what you see, but also what you hear and also read.

Regarding these latest reports of dead babies, there are no photographs.

As NATO Supremo General Wesley Clark has told us, within days of 9/11 The Pentagon was ordered to draw up plans to wage war on seven countries in five years. Five have seen intrigue of one form or another. Syria was on that list. We now see threats of intervention from NATO.

And the warmongering on Iran is live but covert, with assassinations of scientists, releases of internet viruses, large explosions at military bases etc.

What you are seeing, hearing and reading is the result of years of image engineering.

Meanwhile, it looks like earlier reports and suspicions about the presence of British Special Forces in Syria assisting the Syrian rebs, particularly in Homs, are true, with BSF providing advice, communications and logistical support[5].


[2] Assad's slaughter of the innocents, The Independent, 9/2/2012

[3] Deaths in Syria: Counting them (politically) correctly, Russia Today, 9/2/2012

[4] How CNN helped spread a hoax about Syrian babies dying in incubators,, 8/8/2011

[5] DEBKAfile, First foreign troops in Syria back Homs rebels. Damascus and Moscow at odds, 8/8/2012

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