
Thursday, March 15, 2012


Our good Khodorkovsky-and-green-geonocide-loving friends at The Guardian have somehow managed to obtain a pile of emails from the Syrian al Qaeda rebs. Just as Bashar al-Assad has routed the Syrian al Qaeda rebs in Homs and Idlib the Syrian al Qaeda rebs give a list of emails to the British media.

Not the French media.

Not the American media.

But the British media.

And not just any British media, but the Khodorkovsky-and-green-genocide-loving The Guardian.

Everyone trusts The Guardian, you see. It's portrayed as one of those intellectual, beyond-question sources of media. That's why it was saved from financial ruin by ?. That's why it was rebuilt and is now the most popular source of news on the internet. And that's why it was chosen to push massive green genocide and back-to-the-stone-age economic policies at Copenhagen 2009.

But back to these emails.

The one true fact we can agree with stated by The Guardian is that not all the alleged emails can be verified. The Guardian claim that some have been verified, but upon further reading it is less than a handful, which leaves open the implication that any one of them could be true.

Apparently someone from the al Assad inner cricle leaked two email accounts and passwords (though how they knew the passwords is a question) to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs and the messages from that account have been intercepted for a while. So why only now have they been leaked? Because some other messages allegedly also contained matters relating to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs, such as Homs. This made the accounts a source of intelligence for the Syrian al Qaeda rebs which would no doubt have been stopped if the contents of the email account had been divulged earlier.

As soon as I started to read these emails I was immediately reminded of the Diamond Necklace Affair that helped to speed up the downfall of the French Monarchy in 1792. The Diamond Necklace Affair helped to portray Marie Antoinette as a fraudster living a life of luxury as the ordinary French man and woman was suffering. The Illuminati at that time was very small in number yet one of their own Caglisotro was arrested and held for 9 months, but was released due to lack of hard evidence. The fraudsters found sanctuary in London, the source of intrigue concerning The French Revolution, and wrote their memoirs implicating Marie Antoinette.

Most of these emails do not look real; poems, iTunes? Why would these accounts be used for such diverse activities as personal love messages between a head of state and his wife, and seeking public affairs advice?

But let us assume that they are all true. So what? Bashar al Assad held a referendum a few weeks ago and there was a massive turn out and massive support for his reforms. And as for the amount of money being talked about, the bankers who have just screwed us left, right and centre by corrupting our politicians to unnecessarily sign their multi-trillion debts onto us so we suffer brutal austerity can blow ten times that amount in one night on champagne, cocaine, hookers and strippers.

Let's get this all into perspective.

This is a modern day Diamond Necklace Affair for Syria.

The Guardian could not wait to publish comments from Danny Abdul Dayem, but for whatever reason has not covered his expose as a complete fraud, probably a MI6 disinformation agent.

And their support for the traitor Khordokovsky is now ridiculous. Khordokovsky wanted to sign Russia's massive fossil fuel wealth over to the New World Order. He gave all his shares in Yukos to...Lord Jacob Rothschild. He organised The Open Russia Foundation with Kissinger and Rothschild.


The dude is a traitor, not only to Russia but to the whole human race for what he tried to do!

And The Guardian loves him!


I think another good indicator that this story is a smear, and possible disinformation plot, against al Assad, because he has just routed the NATO/Arab League-sponsored Syrian al Qaeda rebs leaving them with no foothold in Syria, is that nearly every online British media is covering it. It's the Cameron-Soetoro love-in, and the Assad emails.

The main thrust of the story is that while ordinary Syria suffers the leaders live an enchanted life of chandeliers and Harry Potter. That sounds like this Disunited Fascist Kingdom and the United States of Aggression to me (where we have some of the greatest wealth gaps in the world).

But why is Syria suffering?

Who asks that question now.

Why is Syria suffering?

I repeat again; before we sob and weep and cry for the civilians of Syria and then send over our boys and girls to Syria in their death machines to kill those very same civilians of Syria as collateral damage, William Hague and Phil Hammond must make a statement in the House of Commons Corrupt Wretches on the presence and purpose of British Special Forces in and around Syria since 1st January 2011.

Remember that quote in The Daily Star from an unnamed British security official regarding the role of British Special Forces in Syria.
"This is all going like Libya but this will be bigger and bloodier."

The BBC recently exposed how BSF were in Libya advising, guiding and training the Libyan al Qaeda rebs from the very start (and I suspect well before too).

And remember the seven nations that former NATO chief General Wesley Clark was told were to be attacked after the false flag attack 9/11, and that it is not coincidence that those seven nations have since suffered and are suffering international intrigue of one form or another.

Each of these has seen war.

Somalia recently welcomed air strikes on al Qaeda in Somalia after deals were agreed to give Somali oil to BP.

But al Qaeda is today being used in Syria, like in Libya, to overthrow the government of Syria.

And Iran? Well, Iran has been the focus of our special kind of love for decades, notably Operation Ajax, in which MI6 and CIA overthrew the most popular modern day Iranian, Mossadegh, and the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 to install another British puppet Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran was named as a member of the Axis of Evil, and also in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.

The question I have, besides the question about BSF that Hague and Hammond must answer, is this; Have we been signed up to a decade of war and revolution in The Middle East, Syria included, after the false flag attack 9/11, not been told about it, fed lies and bullshit to coerce us into supporting that plan, and also paid for it as thousands and thousands of unsuspecting British taxpayers lose their jobs and homes through no fault of their own after dictatorial banks corrupted our politicians to sign their multi-trillion debts over to us?

I would answer, YES!

So hows about it Hague and Hammond? Tell us everything that British Special Forces, including MI6 and their disinfo agents, have been doing in and around Syria since 1st January 2011.

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