
Thursday, March 22, 2012


It would now appear that the French police had Merah as a suspect in the shootings of three soldiers and three children from the start, but didn't put him at the top of the suspect list until Tuesday morning when the Yamaha dealership Merah contacted passed on his name, but Merah had contacted the same dealership last week about deactivating the GPS system and casually mentioned the repaint from black to white.

But some other information has now come to light.

Not only Mohammed but also his brother were under surveillance, because both were members of an extremist group that Merah's brother ran.

But here is the killer clue as to what is going on.

Merah claimed that he was acting under "general orders" from al-Qai'da to "bring France to its knees" in retaliation for the French military presence in Afghanistan.

[source : Serial killer reveals why he struck at Toulouse school, The Independent, 22/03/2012]

Claude Guéant, the interior minister, said Merah told police he had "received instructions from al-Qaeda during a trip to Pakistan".

"They proposed he commit a suicide bomb attack. He refused, but accepted a general mission to commit a terrorist attack in France," he said.

[source : I am on an al-Qaeda mission, taunts besieged gunman who shot children, The Daily Telegraph, 22/03/2012]

This is the killer clue because al Qaeda does not appear to be executing similar operations to bring other nations in Afghanistan to their knees. So we have to ask, why Merah? Why France? And why now?

One cynical answer is
1. Sarkozy is expected to lose the Presidential election next month to a Socialist who is not controlled (as far as we know) by the Anglo-American Empire
2. Sarkozy has shown his allegiance to the Anglo-American Empire and his neocon connections are widely known
3. the Anglo-American Empire created and controls al Qaeda
4. so the Anglo-American Empire ordered al Qaeda to order one of their criminal and possibly unhinged operatives in France to bring France to its knees
5. so that Sarkozy can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by saving the nation.

Hooray! Vive Sarkozy! Vive La France! Vive l'Anglo-American Empire!

So not only was Merah manipulated by the Anglo-American Empire via al Qaeda, who apparently gave Merah his orders to bring France to its knees, but now Sarkozy is manipulating for political purposes the terrorism and current siege that Merah created.

I would be interested in knowing how French media is covering this. Has the media given Sarkozy the most coverage? Have they portrayed Sarkozy, in editorials for example, as the saviour of the nation? How have Hollande and le Pen been reported?

The other thing that is fishy about this is that nobody has seen or spoken to Merah since the siege began. Everything he has reportedly said since the siege began has come through the police. It is now reported that he wants to die with guns in his hands.

He sounds like a complete nutter...and the perfect patsy.

And I am also beginning to suspect that Merah may have botched the operation by shooting the children. He as allegedly said he shot the children because he couln't find a soldier to kill. The shooting of the children may have been too much for the authorities who may have been quite happy to allow him to shoot soldiers for a week or two more before giving Sarkozy the photo opportunity of catching the man who terrorised France. The election is five weeks away. As they say, a week is a long time in politics. This may all be forgotten in five weeks time.

But if the capture of Merah had occured just a week or two before the election...

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