
Friday, March 02, 2012


Since my prayer to the Great Spirit I have started to feel more relaxed and happier, planning for when the NWO are toast. This is not to say there won't be further trouble in the Middle East, but now that the trouble in Syria is dying down, and cooler stronger heads everywhere are prevailing and having a positive effect, there is only one thing that they can do, and that is a preemptive unilateral strike on Iran by Israel, which will expose them for what they truly are.

One project that has been in my plans for years is a film expose of the rave scene c. early 1990's. Yes, I know Human Traffic attempted to do something like that, but not from my experience and point of view, particularly now we know that governments in league with the corrupt banks are at the top of the chain. I intend to dive deep.

Films have soundtracks. Here are some I am considering using, besides others I've posted.

King Bee - Back By Dope Demand

tramps - say no two dope

Outlander - Vamp [this is f*%kin' mental!]

Don Carlos - Alone

Reese Project - Direct Me

Ruffcut - Talk About

Mozart & Master Freez - Let the Music Move Me

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