
Friday, April 27, 2012


Is Israel getting very very concerned about its meddling in Syria?

What a silly question.

Israel started it all!

Last week the Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak was interiewed by Christian Amanpour of CNN while he was in the USA warmongering. In the interview Barak said the fall of Bashar al Assad would be a "very positive event", and also suggested that the international community should supply the Syrian al Qaeda rebs with weapons.

But this is precisely what Saudi Arabia and Qatar are doing!

Here is the segment of the interview dealing with Syria and Iran. Note Barak's desperation as he talks about weakening Iran by taking out Syria.

Barak also suggested that safe zones should be established on the border with Turkey (safe for the Syrian al Qaeda rebs?), and that a Kosovo-style military intervention should occur without UN Security Council authorisation.

I think these are very strong words indeed from Israel, and indicate a desperation that after well over a year of financing, training and arming the Syrian al Qaeda rebs and all sorts of dirty media tricks and lies Assad is still standing with strong support from the Syrian people but more crucially from Russia and China, who are well aware of the foreign-backed terrorists propagating the violence inside Syria. I fully expect India to join with Russia and China after their own private observation team reports back from Syria.

Interestingly Haaretz of Israel has now joined in the demonisation of Assad, something it has not done, so far as I am aware. In a report from Daraa the Haaretz team play the emotional blackmail card, ending their report thus.
"In fact we are trapped between all sides, fighting for the power in this country," said Malik. "What is this talk about a peaceful transition? Who asks us? We will never, ever accept Bashar Assad as president. The opposition works abroad. The Free Syrian Army hides someplace and only shows up for brief attacks. The international community has betrayed us. When we started our protests, we saw the images from Benghazi, how NATO sided with the Libyan uprising. We thought: Those who stand up for their rights, their freedom, they are protected. But it was a lie. We are on our own, stranded on a dead-end street."

[source : Haaretz exclusive: A visit to the war-torn heart of Syria's struggle for independence, Haaretz,, 27/04/2012]

The message is loud and clear : WHERE IS NATO?

In the last five years or so there have been attempts and suggestions to make Israel a member of NATO.

But can we trust the interviewees and the reporters? Take this statement from the report.
More than 11,000 people have been killed in Syria since March 2011, according to the Syrian opposition.

But the official (and seriously inflated) figure according to the UN (who get their numbers from a London-based and therefore biased agency) is 9000.

And is this the same Syrian opposition who said that babies in incubators had been killed but could not supply any evidence?

And where is Danny Dayem these days?

It is all lies, lies, lies to start a serious war, while Europe tries to save itself from a financial blackhole of $9 TRILLION with a handful of Euros.

Yesterday there were reports that the Syrian military had used a Scud missile to blow up an appartment building killing 70, including women and children.

A Scud?


Get real. It was a weapons and bomb warehouse for the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

Syria is just one nation of seven targeted for war. It was named in A Clean Break. A Clean Break was implemented through PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses, which morphed into the seven-nations-in-five-years plan mentioned to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job of 9/11 that enabled all the warmongering.

It is a damned dirty business, and Israel has some very very dirty and sweaty hands.

1 comment:

  1. The so called Syrian revolution has brought more destruction than positive change. Now the so called revolution has been adopted by a radical opposition called Muslim Brothers, the same group who took over Egypt now. They're giving false promises but their intentions are far worse than those of the current Syrian government. In Tunisia, people have become more conservative after the expel of its president. In Yemen, terrorists attack Muslims of non-Sunnah branches. In Egypt, the new Muslim brotherhood government is trying to take away religious freedom from people. In Libya, there's an ethnic cleansing of blacks. In Iraq, chaos is still going on. In Lebanon, there's a severe division between two main political currents. Palestine Muslims are divided on themselves. In Sudan, Christian Sudanese are raped, tortured, or killed. Saudi and neighboring countries are calling for the killing of infidels through their support of terrorists. Syria has been compromised by terrorists too. And the list goes on with Arabic countries wanting democracy only to practice a new dictatorship.
