
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Kofi Annan today told the Jordan Foreign Minister that
"The Syrian issue is complex, and the world is closely following developments there,

..."intensified international efforts are needed to face the situation in Syria and find ways to end the killings there"
[source : Annan says Syria 'complex,' urges end to bloodshed, AFP,, 30/05/2012]

Expelling diplomats will not help, particularly when it is still unknown who killed who in Houla.

And is the situation complex?

It is not complex in the slightest.

In fact, it is dead simple.

A cabal of warmongering kiddie-fiddling eugenicist satanists executed a false flag terror attack on 9/11. They had a plan to drag Russia and China into a war with the USA over a conflict involving Israel. After 9/11 they wrote up a hit list of seven nations to be attacked in five years. However only three of those lucky, lucky nations have been attacked so far; Iraq, Lebanon and Libya. You could argue that a fourth member of that list Somalia has been attacked, by the EU of all organisations, but it has not suffered a large scale war or invasion, such as occured with the other three.

However, the plan was stalling badly. So in 2007 an axis-of-evil consisting of the USA, Israel and the freedom-loving absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia agreed to unleash hell by releasing Sunni terrorists onto Syria, a fifth member of that list. If Assad falls then these Sunni terrorists will move onto Iran, the sixth nation of the seven. The seventh is Sudan.

The divisions between the USA on the one side and Russia and China on the other are obvious, particularly when you add the missile defence shield, which NATO says is to protect against Iranian ICBMs when Iran does not have ICBMs.

Zionists wrote up the two original documents that inspired this sick seven-nations-in-five-years plan, and on 9/11 were in very, very, very (if you know what I mean) influential positions to decide and advise on the response to the attacks.

It really is that simple.

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