
Friday, May 25, 2012


Further to the report in The Independent covered on this blog earlier today, Bloomberg is quoting Mario Monti in supremely confident mood on Eurobonds.
“Europe can have euro bonds soon,” Monti said in an interview on Italian television station La7 yesterday. Germany has an interest in ensuring no country leaves the euro, while Greece will probably remain in the currency region even as “anything can happen,” he said.

“A united Europe is in Germany’s interest,” Monti said. “We’ll have euro bonds if the euro area, and therefore Germany, will want them.”
[source : Merkel May Be Persuaded on Euro Debt-Sharing Compromise, Bloomberg,, 25/05/2012]

But watch out for more European integration. Merkel will demand something in return.

But we all know it's what they all want anyway.

Let's pretend that they aren't pretending, eh?

Something happened and was agreed in that meeting behind closed doors in Brussels on Wednesday that is not being reported. Merkel has buckled a bit. Draghi is calling for "a leap of political imagination" to save Europe. And pro-Eurobond Monti is even more confident. And this coincides with more and more reports of how the Greek people are suffering, which I would suggest is playing on the guilt of Germany and the German people as a whole for WW2 and their propagation of eugenics and mass genocide, and further comments and reports of the-end-of-the-world and in particular Germany should the Euro collapse.

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